Crossword clues for inhibitors
n. (plural of inhibitor English)
Usage examples of "inhibitors".
The reports of the amnestic effects of protein synthesis inhibitors were first ignored, often on the same sorts of a priori grounds that had led to my initial scepticism, and only after some struggle accepted by these definers of the field.
From half an hour after training, to as long as twenty-four hours afterwards, it was possible to detect an increase in protein synthesis in the brain regions containing IMHV - a result which of course squared with the known amnestic effects of the inhibitors of protein synthesis.
Experiments showing that the effects of protein synthesis inhibitors on memory could be mimicked by injecting large quantities of some of their constituent amino acids were made by one of my earliest graduate students, John Hambley, on his return to Australia: Hambley, J, and Rogers, L J Some neurochemical correlates of permanent learning deficits associated with intracerebral injections of amino acids in young chick brain.
This experiment was quickly followed up by others using protein synthesis inhibitors, all essentially leading to the same conclusion - that if protein synthesis was prevented during the period over which an animal was trained, or for up to about an hour subsequently, then although the animal could learn the task, when tested on it some time later - say the next day - it behaved as if it were naive.
To convince myself I eventually performed the ultimate in Doubting Thomas exercises, trained some chicks using the inhibitors, and got the same result.
At that stage my priorities lay elsewhere, and to start playing with inhibitors seemed a diversion - when I have turned to using them, in the late eighties, as I shall describe in Chapter 10, it was with rather more specific goals in mind.
There are similar ambiguities in interpreting the effects of inhibitors of protein synthesis.
The inhibitors might therefore be causing amnesia not because they prevent protein synthesis but because of their effect on increasing amino acid levels.
In this sense, studying mutations is a bit like using inhibitors to block particular metabolic processes, and has both the strengths and weaknesses of such methods, discussed in the previous chapter and in Criterion Four.
Although as long ago as the early 1970s it had been shown that protein synthesis inhibitors were without effect on habituation and sensitization, it was not until the mid-1980s that Kandel turned his attention to the longer-term cellular processes.
Her main interest was in the time course of memory formation, and she had been using a variety of drugs, including agents which disrupt entry of ions such as potassium into the cell, and also protein synthesis inhibitors, to dissect out a series of phases, which she described as short-, intermediate- and long-term memory.
Once we had begun to look at particular steps in the biochemical cascade in more detail, however, I became persuaded that reasonably specific inhibitors might help cast light on relevant mechanisms.
Mathies group, like ours, was interested in the glycoproteins which they had shown to increase in synthesis during vanous forms of more conventional training procedures in rats, and Jork had scanned the biochemical literature to find specific inhibitors of glycoprotein synthesis.