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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He accused her of being snobbish and emotionally inhibited.
▪ I am far too inhibited to have rows with people.
▪ Young people of the nineteenth century were, in general, extremely inhibited about sex.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

inhibited \inhibited\ adj.

  1. held back or restrained or prevented; as, in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear; -- of behaviors. Opposite of uninhibited. [Narrower terms: pent-up, repressed ; {stifled, strangled, suppressed ] Also See: {reserved, restrained.

  2. Having a hesitancy or reluctance to exhibit normal emotional reactions; -- of people; as, he was too inhibited to make friends easily.


vb. (en-past of: inhibit)


adj. held back or restrained or prevented; "in certain conditions previously inhibited conditioned reactions can reappear" [ant: uninhibited]

Usage examples of "inhibited".

Yet I have known a few women who withdraw from the orgy with enhanced equanimity, because their monthly courses are inhibited.

In general, the gonadotrophin production is stimulated by a low concentration of sex hormones in the blood and inhibited by a high one.

And Livers who were inhibited, afraid of novelty, terrified of separation from the familiar-such Livers would be a much reduced threat.

Consequently, this sin is specially inhibited to priests by the Church, lest anyone hear the mass of one living in concubinage.

While neuroscientists are making wonderful strides in exploring the brain and its relation to the mind, when it comes to exploring the nature of consciousness itself, their research is inhibited by ideological taboos.

Nor must he be inhibited from showing many persons and things, which may possibly have never fallen within the knowledge of great part of his readers.

In any event, as a historical note, the men in the tavern, being Gorean, and thus not being inhibited or confused by negativistic, antibiological traditions, quickly disarmed the women.

When the Yaquis state that "freedom is the eagles' gift", they mean through the metaphor of "the eagle" that the dependencies on the negative elements of the human form have been lost so that the consciousness will not be inhibited by the body or any other dependencies, so that it can continue into infinity - just the way an electromagnetic field propagates when is set free into space.

If I am being programmed, then it’s inhibited, which is the way programming works, either in the brain or in electronic circuitry, and eventually I’ll run into the disinhibiting stimulus, and all the programming will fire, either correctly or not, depending on how well it’s laid down.

In this way, by successive doublings, they managed to evolve a strain of RNA that could self-replicate in very high concentrations of ethidium bromide, 10 times as concentrated as the poison that had inhibited the original ancestral V2 RNA.

Organically, as well as aberrationally, hearing can become remarkably extended or closely inhibited so that one person may hear footsteps a block away as a normal activity and another would not hear a bass drum thundering on the porch.

At first it was thought that the enzyme on the acrosome was being inhibited in some fashion and thus the spermatozoon was being prevented from penetrating the zona pellucida—the protective layer of the ovum— but a series of beautiful demonstrations by Russell and Austin at Cambridge proved beyond all doubt that not only could fertilization still take place outside the uterus, but that non-parthogenic cell division could still be induced in vitro at least as far as the morula stage.

He was inhibited by George's smile and by the stares of the people who commissioned work.

It's doubtful her presence would have inhibited Malcolm's testimony, but her absence gave him free rein to take all the cheap shots he wanted.

So gentle was the Duchess's fond regard that Marianne's appetite was not inhibited in the slightest.