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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inharmonious \In`har*mo"ni*ous\, a. [Pref. in- not + harmonious: cf. F. inharmonieux.]

  1. Not harmonious; unmusical; discordant; dissonant.

    Sounds inharmonious in themselves and harsh.

  2. Conflicting; jarring; not in harmony.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1711, from in- (1) "not" + harmonious. Related: Inharmoniously.\n


a. 1 (context music English) Not in harmony; discordant 2 Lacking accord or agreement

  1. adj. not in harmony [syn: unharmonious] [ant: harmonious]

  2. lacking in harmony of parts; "an inharmonious (or incongruous) mixture of architectural styles"

Usage examples of "inharmonious".

XII The permission of the Maggior Consiglio, under favor of this imperious government, was equivalent to a command and a public betrothal, and for a few ecstatic days the heir of the Ca' Giustiniani went about in a state of exaltation too great to be aware of any home shadows--the slumbering anger of the Capo of the Ten and an inharmonious atmosphere wherein each was intensely conscious of an individual estimate of the great event which touched them all so nearly.

Here was this Mr. Gridley, a man of a robust will and surprising energy--intellectually speaking, a sort of inharmonious blacksmith--and he could easily imagine that there Gridley was, years ago, wandering about in life for something to expend his superfluous combativeness upon--a sort of Young Love among the thorns--when the Court of Chancery came in his way and accommodated him with the exact thing he wanted.

For every Circle has its natural symbolism, and even if no use is to be made of these facts, one must be careful not to let anything be inharmonious with the natural attributions.