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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ingurgitation \In*gur`gi*ta"tion\, n. [L. ingurgitatio: cf. F. ingurgitation.] The act of swallowing greedily or immoderately; that which is so swallowed.
--E. Darwin.

He drowned his stomach and senses with a large draught and ingurgitation of wine.


n. The act of swallowing greedily or immoderately; that which is so swallowed.

Usage examples of "ingurgitation".

Thus it happened, that when Phoebe heard a certain noise in Judge Pyncheon's throat—rather habitual with him, not altogether voluntary yet indicative of nothing, unless it were a slight bronchial complaint, or, as some people hinted, an apoplectic symptom—when the girl heard this queer and awkward ingurgitation (which the writer never did hear, and therefore cannot describe), she, very foolishly, started, and clasped her hands.