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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inguinal \In"gui*nal\, a. [L. inguinalis, fr. inguen, inguinis, the groin: cf. F. inguinal.] (Astron. & Med.) Of or pertaining to, or in the region of, the inguen or groin; as, an inguinal canal or ligament; inguinal hernia.

Inguinal ring. See Abdominal ring, under Abdominal.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1680s, from Latin inguinalis "of the groin," from inguen (genitive inguinis) "groin," from PIE *engw- "groin, internal organ" (cognates: Greek aden "gland").


a. Of or pertaining to the groin


adj. of or relating to or near the groin


In human anatomy, the inguinal region refers to either the groin or the lower lateral regions of the abdomen. It may also refer to:

  • Conjoint tendon, previously known as the inguinal aponeurotic falx, a structure formed from the transversus abdominis insertion into the pecten pubis
  • Granuloma inguinale, a bacterial disease characterized by ulcerative genital lesions that is endemic in many less developed regions
  • Inguinal canal, a passage in the anterior abdominal wall which in men conveys the spermatic cord and in women the round ligament
  • Inguinal falx, the conjoined tendon of the obliquus internus and transversus muscles
  • Inguinal hernia, a protrusion of abdominal-cavity contents through the inguinal canal
    • Direct inguinal hernia, a type of inguinal hernia with a sac that is medial to the inferior epigastric vessels
    • Indirect inguinal hernia, a hernia that results from the failure of the embryonic internal inguinal ring after the testicle has passed through it
  • Inguinal ligament, a ligament that runs from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine
  • Inguinal lymph node a type of lymph node in the inguinal region
    • Deep inguinal lymph nodes, three to five deep lymph nodes that are located medial to the femoral vein and under the cribriform fascia
    • Superficial inguinal lymph nodes, ten superficial lymph nodes that form a chain immediately below the inguinal ligament
  • Inguinal orchiectomy, a surgical procedure to remove a testicle
  • Inguinal ring, the two openings of the inguinal canal
    • Deep inguinal ring, the entrance to the inguinal canal
    • Superficial inguinal ring, a triangular opening that forms the exit of the inguinal canal
  • Inguinal triangle, a region of the abdominal wall, also known by the eponym Hesselbach's triangle
  • Lateral inguinal fossa, a shallow concave stretch of peritoneum on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall
  • Medial inguinal fossa a depression located within the inguinal triangle on the peritoneal surface of the anterior abdominal wall
  • Reflected inguinal ligament, a triangular layer of tendinous fibers formed by the medial fibers of the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis

Usage examples of "inguinal".

Surely, if my heart broke again, it would sound just like this, though for all I knew, the lyrics were about cut worms and inguinal hernias, matters only made soulful through soaring harmonies.

This pushes the testicles just slightly back up the inguinal canal.

On both sides, just a bit over the inguinal canal, which I would deem orthodox scars for the removal of testicles.

Well, by assiduously massaging those parts, he is able, after much practice, to cause the testicles to re-enter the body up the inguinal canal down which they originally descended.

Fat believed that the information fired at him and progressively crammed into his head in successive waves had a holy origin and hence should be regarded as a form of scripture, even if it just applied to his son's undiagnosed right inguinal hernia which had popped the hydrocele and gone down into the scrotal sack.

Dr Evenston eventually returned and said noncommittally that there was indeed a right inguinal hernia, reducible but needing immediate surgery, since there was always the possibility of strangulation.

All you will find in the sick-bay is an obstinate gleet with low fever and a reduced inguinal hernia: and that forearm.

I lifted a copy machine the wrong way and gave myself an inguinal hernia.

Morley was talking, his tubshaped middle protruding like a huge inguinal hernia.

I was acutely aware of each movement, each breath, the tug and pull of the catgut sutures as I tightened the inguinal ring, but my hands did not belong to me.

The bright metal suggested the wink of instruments and gave Crawford a distinct twinge in the area of his inguinal ring.