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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Ingrown toenail

Ingrown \In"grown`\, a. Having grown or appearing to grow into some other substance, especially a fingernail or toenail growing into the adjacent flesh.

Ingrown toenail, a toenail whose edges have becoming imbedded in the adjacent flesh.

ingrown toenail

n. toenail having its free tip or edges embedded in the surrounding flesh [syn: onyxis]

Usage examples of "ingrown toenail".

By the time of my death I was an ingrown toenail of a man, halfway to hermitage, interacting with my world as little as possible and doing my very best to influence no one's life.

Disbanding it would be like cutting off your leg because you've an ingrown toenail.

It was a long week, and it was odd finding bits of nine-hundred-year-old love letters, or scraps of advice on curing hypothermia, or how to tell if an ingrown toenail is the result of a curse.

Star becomes convinced that Captain Cork went uncorked and wigged when he lost his leg during a simple ingrown toenail operation bungled by a hip young chiropodist stoned on mescaline.