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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ingratiate \In*gra"ti*ate\, v. i. To gain favor. [R.]
--Sir W. Temple.


Ingratiate \In*gra"ti*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ingratiated; p. pr. & vb. n. Ingratiating.] [Pref. in- in + L. gratia. See Grace.]

  1. To introduce or commend to the favor of another; to bring into favor; to insinuate; -- used reflexively, and followed by with before the person whose favor is sought.

    Lysimachus . . . ingratiated himself both with Philip and his pupil.

  2. To recommend; to render easy or agreeable; -- followed by to. [Obs.]
    --Dr. J. Scott.

    What difficulty would it [the love of Christ] not ingratiate to us?

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1620s, possibly via 16c. Italian ingraziarsi "to bring (oneself) into favor," from Latin in gratiam "for the favor of," from in "in" (see in- (2)) + gratia "favor, grace" (see grace).


vb. 1 (context reflexive English) To bring oneself into favour with someone by flattering or trying to please him or her. 2 {{context|followed by (term: to)|lang=en}} To recommend; to render easy or agreeable.


v. gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts

Usage examples of "ingratiate".

It is quite possible to find in such a village a Sunni Muslim villager who has hung a picture of Alawite President Assad on his wall, not simply because it will ingratiate him with the local party and intelligence officials, but also because he sincerely feels that this man Assad has behaved not just as an Alawite, and not just as a power-hungry autocrat, but as his own President, with a national interest in mind.

Control said, giving each of the Imperials a smile that managed to be smug and ingratiating at the same time.

By such kind of talents he had so ingratiated himself with the squire, that he was a most welcome guest at his table, and a favourite companion in his sport: everything which the squire held most dear, to wit, his guns, dogs, and horses, were now as much at the command of Jones, as if they had been his own.

He hath made many fruitless attempts to regain the confidence of Allworthy, or to ingratiate himself with Jones, both of whom he flatters to their faces, and abuses behind their backs.

Baker exuded an ingratiating optimism that seemed to the Kentuckian to belong to a much younger man.

Then, if the Milesian leaders grow too arrogant, you might find use for a mischief-maker who could ingratiate himself into court after court and foment dissension, setting the Milesians against one another, until only the Fair Folk could resolve their disputes and restore order again.

Almost immediately on his arrival in the new world he formed an acquaintance with Spikeman, who used every effort to ingratiate himself into his confidence.

Of course, the chunk of cured sweetroot he first offered to the horse did wonders to ingratiate the man to Mist.

Eleanor would have returned to Westmorland and ingratiated herself with Uncle Roger.

The obese Staffordshire bull terrier waddled in, closely followed by the Yorkie, who bared her teeth in an ingratiating smile at all present.

Rospigliosi, quite set up with his new dignities, went with a good appetite and his most ingratiating manner.

Jelly played the role of the ingratiating patch with enthusiasm and enormous skill, and Lisle Kelsko pretended to be nothing more than a hopelessly hard-nosed, hard-assed, narrowminded, amoral, authoritarian, coal-country cop.

Despite a concerted effort at florid respectability, there is a seediness about BAGBY that goes beyond his overtight clothes: shrewd, pompous, ingratiating by turns, he is constantly eyeing his man and the main chance without missing any of the minor ones by the way.

In this manner did the crafty Fathom turn to account those ingratiating qualifications he inherited from nature, and maintain, with incredible assiduity and circumspection, an amorous correspondence with two domestic rivals, who watched the conduct of each other with the most indefatigable virulence of envious suspicion, until an accident happened, which had well-nigh overturned the bark of his policy, and induced him to alter the course, that he might not be shipwrecked on the rocks that began to multiply in the prosecution of his present voyage.

Sam Bowles came smarming in, wriggling his whole body like a whipped dog to ingratiate himself with his captain.