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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ingraft \In*graft"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ingrafted; p. pr. & vb. n. Ingrafting.] [Written also engraft.]

  1. To insert, as a scion of one tree, shrub, or plant in another for propagation; as, to ingraft a peach scion on a plum tree; [figuratively], to insert or introduce in such a way as to make a part of something.

    This fellow would ingraft a foreign name Upon our stock.

    A custom . . . ingrafted into the monarchy of Rome.

  2. To subject to the process of grafting; to furnish with grafts or scions; to graft; as, to ingraft a tree.


vb. (en-past of: ingraft)

Usage examples of "ingrafted".

A newly ingrafted instinct for socially correct behavior, surfacing right on cue, rather to his own surprise, assured him that that was the proper thing to do.

A newly ingrafted instinct for socially correct behavior, surfacing right on cue, rather to his own surprise, asĀ­sured him that that was the proper thing to do.

It is this implied engagement that so frequently offends the ingrafted white.