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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ingenuously \In*gen"u*ous*ly\, adv. In an ingenuous manner; openly; fairly; candidly; artlessly.

Being required to explain himself, he ingenuously confessed.


adv. In an ingenuous manner; frankly, straightforwardly.


adv. in an ingenuous manner; "she answered the judge's questions artlessly" [syn: artlessly]

Usage examples of "ingenuously".

The same uniform original spirit of superstition might suggest, in the most distant ages and countries, the same methods of deceiving the credulity, and of affecting the senses of mankind: but it must ingenuously be confessed, that the ministers of the Catholic church imitated the profane model, which they were impatient to destroy.

Semaara ingenuously related how that lady had been taking lessons from Zaac Tepal, doubtless with the object of understanding any conversation between the Zuhua Kak, Zaac Tepal, and even the black slave.

A letter was publicly read, and ignominiously torn, in which their patron, Eusebius of Nicomedia, ingenuously confessed, that the admission of the Homoousion, or Consubstantial, a word already familiar to the Platonists, was incompatible with the principles of their theological system.

And then he spoke so ingenuously and sincerely of the sacrifice he made in withdrawing himself for a time from Ada, and of the earnestness with which he aspired--as in thought he always did, I know full well--to repay her love, and to ensure her happiness, and to conquer what was amiss in himself, and to acquire the very soul of decision, that he made my heart ache keenly, sorely.

The Gothic historian ingenuously confesses, that Aetius was born for the salvation of the Roman republic.

The Gothic historian ingenuously confesses, that Aetius was born for the salvation of the Roman republic.

In his categorical affirmative of the essential character of things, in his often rash simplification of form, in his insolent desire to look at the sun face to face, in the passion of his drawing and colour, there lies revealed a powerful one, a male, a darer who is sometimes brutal, sometimes ingenuously delicate.

The dragons grumbled, Carenath ingenuously remarking that Faranth wanted another meal, too, but Sean was adamant, and the dragons obeyed.