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n. (context rare English) An innocent, unsophisticated, naïve, wholesome boy or young man.


Ingenu is a leading provider of machine-exclusive wireless networks via both the public Machine Network™ and also private networks for multiple vertical markets. Ingenu's networks are based on proprietary RPMA (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology which allow for greater coverage per access point, more robust communication technology, and industry leading network longevity. Ingenu focuses on machine to machine (M2M) communication by enabling devices to become Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Ingenu provides the entire stack of wireless connectivity, including RPMA radio modules, RPMA wireless access points, and other associated hardware and software.

Usage examples of "ingenu".

Visiones de brillantes piezas de oro y relucientes joyas, de manjares y bebidas sin límite, y cálidos abrazos de hermosas mujeres de noble cuna que le serían dados como premio a su valentía revoloteaban por su ingenua mente juvenil.