Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
infuriating \infuriating\ adj. extremely annoying or displeasing; causing intense anger.
Syn: annoying, exasperating, maddening, vexing.
Extremely annoying, frustrating or irritating v
(present participle of infuriate English)
adj. extremely annoying or displeasing; "his cavelier curtness of manner was exasperating"; "I've had an exasperating day"; "her infuriating indifference"; "the ceaseless tumult of the jukebox was maddening" [syn: exasperating, maddening, vexing]
Usage examples of "infuriating".
After so many years since the Decision at Doonarrala, it was infuriating that there was still such blatant evidence of distrust.
It was infuriating to be forced out of his place just when he'd gotten everything arranged to his convenience so that he could feed himself, Farli and Stupid, had shelter from the tropical storms at night and safety from Threadfall whenever it came.
Ce'Nedra had told him, patting his cheek in that infuriating way of hers.
It was doubly infuriating to find herself so easily caught, and with a fresh burst of rage she threw herself away from him, twisting and doubling her lithe body, trying to break his grip.
It was his own unresponsive flesh that held his attention, infuriating him.
No, all he did was make love to her with that infuriating control of his, reducing her to mush while he remained perfectly clearheaded.
The idea was infuriating, but it seemed likely that she had indeed slept with him just to get him to come back to Davencourt.
The sayce was thrashing about, howling, trying to get its razor-sharp teeth into the infuriating vine strands binding its legs.
Sensors already labouring at the limit of their resolution to try and unscramble the chaos suffered infuriating glitches and power surges, producing gaps in the overall coverage.
How infuriating that she had to have the obvious pointed out to her in such a fashion.
She wanted to shout the question at him, jolt him out of that infuriating complacency.
He had an infuriating habit of ignoring her wishes, and she would have to do something about that—when they got back to Menzoberranzan, of course.
However infuriating the Mizzrym boy can be in so many other ways, he does occasionally have a good idea or two.
It was annoying, and, at times, infuriating, but it was not what troubled him.
Now, though, she tried to force her attention away from the infuriating Oscar Wilde in order to focus her thoughts on the quieter of her new companions, and the question of exactly what his interest in this puzzling affair might be.