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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It is a marked structure in the sense of being relatively infrequent.
▪ In science and journalism, by contrast, conjunctions in general and causal conjunctions in particular are relatively infrequent.
▪ On this view transput will be relatively infrequent, so that the cost of converting to and from decimal format is acceptable.
▪ As time went on, her visits became more and more infrequent.
▪ Cases of typhoid are relatively infrequent in Northern Europe.
▪ Rain is infrequent in this normally hot, dry region of the world.
▪ Roger's infrequent letters home did not reveal much about his personal life.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Infrequent \In*fre"quent\, a. [L. infrequens : cf. F. infrequent. See In- not, and Frequent.] Seldom happening or occurring; rare; uncommon; unusual.

The act whereof is at this day infrequent or out of use among all sorts of men.
--Sir T. Elyot.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1530s, from Latin infrequentem (nominative infrequens) "occurring seldom, unusual; not crowded, absent," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + frequens (see frequent). Related: Infrequently.


a. Not frequent; not happening frequently.


adj. not frequent; not occurring regularly or at short intervals; "infrequent outbursts of temper" [ant: frequent]

Usage examples of "infrequent".

Polti finds to be infrequent on the modern stage, altho often met with in the Greek theater.

The Via Appia Antica stretched out before him, grey and ancient in the soft lights of its infrequent lamps.

On those infrequent occasions when he has guests to the house to dinner or for a business meeting, he always leaves a Doberman in the laundry room.

The valley altered its character, becoming narrower and grassier, with the forest only in patches on infrequent promontories.

It made little difference to them whether their infrequent orders came from Judge Latham or Jaycee, as long as they had enough time between jobs to sit about and drink their homemade liquor.

The hammering of the infrequent woodpecker, the call of the lonely bird, the drumming of the solitary partridge,--all these sounds do but emphasize the lonesomeness of nature.

But the result the same - constant danger, unremitting alertness, night after night at sea, healthy and stodgily - dull food, infrequent mail: no beer, no dances, no girls.

I should have preferred to travel by bus to see Margaret, but the journey entailed changing several times and buses are notoriously infrequent on Sundays.

Eighteen hundred feet below, it might be more, the Tarn threaded lush bottom-lands, tilled fields, goodly orchards, plantations of walnut and Spanish chestnut, and infrequent, tiny villages that clung to precarious footholds between cliffs and water.

Clubb plucked an unclean glass from the morass and filled it with Dutch gin or genever from one of the minaret-shaped stone flagons I had observed upon my infrequent layovers in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Besides, the type was not elegant, the margins were poor, the paper common, and misprints not infrequent.

This mound was ancient, built of the mud that had pooled here when infrequent rainstorms caused temporary floods.

Her reflexions indeed at this moment thickened apace, and one of them made her sure that her governess had conversations, private, earnest and not infrequent, with her denounced stepfather.

Infrequent version Frequent, consistentversion along-side alongside any-where anywhere eye-sight eyesight in-explicability inexplicability in-flame inflame infrared infra-red kid-napped kidnapped news-paper newspaper per-cent per cent radioactive radio-active some-body somebody some-thing something to-day today un-bearable unbearable un-witting unwitting under-estimate underestimate where-upon whereupon This colophon was added.

People back at Prime learned to send Thosby's infrequent reports directly into the files, not even feeding them through content analyzers that would have scanned for key concepts, such aslost contact ordisappearance.