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infrared spectrum

n. the spectrum of infrared radiation

Usage examples of "infrared spectrum".

The illuminated spot expanded and reradiated in the infrared spectrum.

When you look in the visible and near-infrared spectrum for telltale signatures of chemical composition, sure enough you discover water ice in the polar caps, and enough water vapor in the air to account for the clouds.

The ornate brass door at the corridor's end marked the second boy's destination, and he paused before it to allow his eyes to shift back to the infrared spectrum.

He rushed back to the center of the room, stood directly across from the object, and forced his eyes away from the infrared spectrum, fully back into the world of light.

I've run the infrared spectrum six ways from April, and it just won't resolve.

She unconsciously phased her vision down into the infrared spectrum, following the luminous pulse of blood in her arteries and veins.

Owing to the problem of heating the tissue-thin ribbons, much of the infrared spectrum had to be skipped.

He wore not a cloak nor a robe, but a shimmering cape that showed every color of the spectrum both in the glow of light and in the infrared spectrum of heat -sensing eyes.

Drizzt crouched low and held very still, letting his eyes go through the dramatic shift from infravision- viewing the heat of objects in the infrared spectrum-to normal vision in the realm of light.

He pushed aside the blanket and used it to screen the light from the embers of the dying campfire, letting his eyes slip into the infrared spectrum.