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n. (plural of infomercial English)

Infomercials (TV series)

Infomercials is the name of a series of quarter-hour American television comedy specials that have little to do with each other except that they are all fictitious.

Most of the episodes lampoon the infomercial format, while others parody tropes and cliches in media such as closed-circuit info channels in hotels, sitcoms, and public-access television. The specials typically air during 4am. There is no title card or common identifier to any of the episodes, and On-Screen Programming guide info on each episode is left generic. Every episode has a different look and feel as there are no common directors, production companies or crew between all of the episodes, although some production companies have returned to make additional (and unrelated) episodes.

One particular episode, " Too Many Cooks", is notable for gathering media interest in November 2014. It contains a long-form introduction sequence common to 1980's and 1990's TV shows, except with a seemingly endless cast that continued to be introduced for 11 minutes straight.

Usage examples of "infomercials".

On television is one network running nothing but infomercials all day and all night, and there we are, Evie and me, together.

I wondered when Bob got off shift, whether or not he had friends to go for a drink with, or whether he crept home to a microwaved dinner and reruns and infomercials on TV.

You know those people on the infomercials who make all that money with the stupid shit they sell?

The FCC saw its control over advertisers diminish, giving birth to infomercials, hitherto unheard of advertising of distilled liquors over the airways, and a brain-numbing expansion in the sheer number of commercials that television viewers are forced to endure.

And the walls, even of the older buildings, were covered with those huge new softscreen billboards, pumping out ads and infomercials and online soaps day and night, so that it was somehow hard to make out the shape of things, the sweep and structure of the city, and he could have been anywhere.

Hugh loved TV and made no excuses for watching infomercials, bowling, mindless situation comedies.