Infologs are independently designed synthetic genes derived from one or a few genes where substitutions are systematically incorporated to maximize information. Infologs are designed for perfect diversity distribution to maximize search efficiency.
Typical protein engineering methods rely on screening a high number (10-10 or more) of gene variants to identify individuals with improved activity using a surrogate high throughput screen (HTP) to identify initial hits. Unfortunately, results are defined by what is screened for, thus the “hit” from the HTP screen often has very little real activity in a lower throughput assay more indicative of the improved functionality for which the protein is being developed. By adapting the standard algorithms for engineering complex systems to work with biological systems, the resulting process enables researchers to deconvolute how substitutions within a protein sequence modify its function. Combining these algorithms with an integrated query and ranking mechanism allows the identification of appropriate sequence substitutions. Infologs refers to the set of designed genes, singular use Infolog describes an individual variant.