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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inflexibility \In*flex"i*bil"i*ty\, n. [Cf. F. inflexibilit['e].] The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bent or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; firmness of will or purpose; unbending pertinacity; steadfastness; resoluteness; unchangeableness; obstinacy.

The inflexibility of mechanism.
--A. Baxter.

That grave inflexibility of soul.

The purity and inflexibility of their faith.
--T. Warton.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1610s, from inflexible + -ity.


n. The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bend or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; obstinacy.

  1. n. a lack of physical flexibility [syn: inflexibleness] [ant: flexibility]

  2. the quality of being rigid and rigorously severe [syn: rigidity] [ant: flexibility]

Usage examples of "inflexibility".

In the course of the teachings I recorded one instance in which its inflexibility was cancelled out.

Elgion was, in fact, delighted to find none of Yanus's inflexibility in Alemi, and the Harper began to feel that after all he might be able to follow Master Robinton's ambitious plan of broadening understanding beyond the limits of this Sea Hold.

Classical logic, along with Boole's algebra, the midwives of information theory, were from the beginning burdened with a combinatorial inflexibility.

The locomotives were much simpler than the road-engines being developed at the same time, and the inflexibility of a fixed route was offset by the lesser rolling friction on iron rails.