The Collaborative International Dictionary
Infantine \In"fan*tine\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. enfantin.] Infantile; childish.
A degree of credulity next infantine.
a. infantile; childish.
Usage examples of "infantine".
Possibly the quaint lines which nurses have long been given to repeat for the amusement of babies while fondling their infantine fingers bear a hidden meaning which pointedly imports the scrofulous taint.
For twenty years he served her without faltering, sometimes with an artlessness which would appear infantine, if something infinitely sincere and sublime did not arrest the smile upon the most sceptical lips.
An apochryphal piece always betrays itself by some interested purpose, but here the story is of an infantine simplicity.
He smiled beneath it with a perfectly infantine sweetness, and his pale little face, whence drops were running, wore an expression of enjoyment and sleepiness.
Soon he will be gone, a patriarch of fourscore, yet shall retain a sort of infantine life in our local history, as the first town-born child.
The atmosphere, the dawning day, the infantine grace of these little girls in their long frocks and shiny coiffures--all is redundant with freshness and youth.
Baliyy with a naive infantine candour, talked and laughed over their failure, sans vergogne and within earshot.
The gentleman might have been fifty years of age by the lines round his mouth, but his cherubic countenance was infantine in contour, and coloured, by hunting or the bottle, to an even pink.
The poor Colonel, whose meed of recognition had as yet been so meagre, was vastly tickled by this expression of infantine sympathy, and discoursed to the little prodigy with the most condescending benevolence.
He was a man close upon sixty years of age, white-haired, clean shaven, with a full, round face, to which a small nose imparted a somewhat infantine expression.
His large blue eyes were infantine in their innocent surprise and thoughtlessness.
Fairley, with great promptitude and infantine simplicity, at once bared two legs of entirely different colors and mutely waited for his daughter to rub them.
While the little waves leap in the sunset, And strike with a miniature shock, In sportive and infantine onset, The base of the iron-stone rock.
Although the precise infantine achievements here cited were unknown to Mrs.
If they only knew how infinitely barbarous they seem to us in their naive contempt of our barbarism, and in what we regard as their infantine concern with things as they are.