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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Corn, sunflower and grapeseed oils are all for general cooking and are relatively inexpensive.
▪ Fortunately, it is possible to achieve acceptable levels of SO2 by four Simple and relatively inexpensive measures.
▪ These are relatively inexpensive and can help to restore order to superficial chaos.
▪ Even relatively inexpensive hand-held calculators solve most compound interest and present-value problems quickly and easily.
▪ Your hotel offers a relatively inexpensive fixed price menu if you wish to take advantage of this.
▪ With the cost of news relatively inexpensive, there is more news being presented on television now than ever before.
▪ And they are still on relatively inexpensive terms.
▪ On the Rebound Since caffeine is relatively inexpensive and widely available, the dose escalation induced by tolerance is seldom burdensome.
▪ Another food, and inexpensive way to cramp together large carcasses or frameworks is to buy cramp heads.
▪ But there are other inexpensive ways to get started in business too.
▪ Candidates increasingly are using the Net as an inexpensive way to augment campaigns, through Web pages and e-mail.
▪ They say it would be an inexpensive way to help slash the budget deficit.
▪ a hotel that offers air-conditioned rooms at relatively inexpensive prices
▪ a simple, inexpensive meal
▪ an inexpensive meal
▪ Beans and lentils are an inexpensive source of protein.
▪ The furniture is inexpensive but well-made.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inexpensive \In`ex*pen"sive\, a. Not expensive; cheap.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1837 (implied in inexpensively), from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + expensive.


a. low in price


adj. relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants" [syn: cheap] [ant: expensive]

Usage examples of "inexpensive".

I skipped my flossing for once, did a left-handed toothbrushing, and annointed myself with an inexpensive drugstore cologne that smelled like lilies of the valley.

But he was exceedingly jolly withal, and welcomed the Yankees with pompous good-humor, despatching a sergeant for a jug of applejack, which was doubtless as inexpensive to the major as his other hospitality.

There were always plenty of books, and besides those in the house there was the Atheneum Library, which, although not a free library, was very inexpensive to the shareholders.

The 1911 autopistol, on the other hand, takes down completely without tools -- except a screwdriver for the grip panels -- and an inexpensive kit of spare parts will keep it functioning indefinitely, despite extensive use.

He strove to implant this vision in the minds of Frankenstein and the others, and kept coming back again and again to the specification that all the workers ultimately produced must not only be docile, strong, and enduring, but should be able to subsist, like swine or goats, on acorns and other inexpensive roughage, with now and then a handful of berries as reward for some particularly difficult labor.

The most effective approach was a bold presentation of explicit sex education and the use of condoms to prevent the infection, combined with inexpensive retroviral treatment of pregnant women to reduce the incidence of HIV infection among their newborn babies.

Fairley in multi-shooting arquebuses, cannon, stronger gunpowder, transport, vehicles, and this new, simple, inexpensive ignition system have rendered my army well-nigh invincible.

In a sensible world, suburban commuters would abandon their gas-guzzling cars for an inexpensive, hassle-free train ride.

Common features of most true ethnic foods are that they are easily cooked, convenient, inexpensive, and tasty.

Technologies being developed in the area of microelectromechanical systems, in particular, hold promise for enabling capable and inexpensive sensor fields.

And industry was turning away from the diamond-encrusted CRAYs, made of a small number of superpowerful processors, and toward less pricey massively parallel computers made up of thousands of inexpensive microprocessors.

A set of inexpensive televised debates, each perhaps an hour long, with a computer graphics budget for each side provided by the producers, rigorous standards of evidence required by the moderator, and the widest range of topics broached.

The transcripts can be typed or written sheets you read to yourself, commit to memory, have a friend read to you, or recorded on an inexpensive tape or cassette recorder and played back.

The proliferation of cable television channels, cheap long-distance telephone calls, fax machines, computer bulletin boards and networks, inexpensive computer self-publishing and surviving instances of the traditional liberal arts university curriculum are trends that might work in the opposite direction.

I speak of this here to intimate how far in its thought of the man of the future, the nation of to-morrow, that valley has travelled-first of all in its elementary training, and within much less than a half century, from chalk to grand pianos, and from inexpensive tuitions in reading, writing, and arithmetic to the dearer tuitions in singing, basket-weaving, cooking, sewing, carpentering, drawing, and the trained teaching of the old elementary subjects, with the addition of history, algebra, physiology, Latin, and modern languages.