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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Anyone can make a mistake, but to ignore basic safety regulations is quite inexcusable.
▪ Being late for your own wedding is inexcusable.
▪ It is inexcusable that the government has never paid a cent to the widows of these brave men.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inexcusable \In`ex*cus"a*ble\, a. [L. inexcusabilis: cf. F. inexcusable. See Excuse.] Not excusable; not admitting excuse or justification; as, inexcusable folly.

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest; for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
--Rom. ii. 1.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Latin inexcusabilis, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + excusabilis, from excusare (see excuse). Related: Inexcusably.


a. not excusable

  1. adj. without excuse or justification [ant: excusable]

  2. not excusable [syn: unforgivable]


Inexcusable is a 2005 novel written by Chris Lynch in the young adult genre. Through first-person narration, it chronicles the life of high school senior Keir Sarafian.

Usage examples of "inexcusable".

It is evident that, if that system be true, women ought to be forgiven for all the follies which they commit on account of love, whilst man is inexcusable, and I should be in despair if I happened to place you in a position to become a mother.

His disclosure of a fact which, if made public, would inflict great injury on Miss Fraser and her programme, the network, and Starlite, was irresponsible and inexcusable, and certainly actionable.

I have done nothing to him directly, but by an inexcusable act of stupidity I have wounded his dear friend Manucci in his tenderest part.

His acts in this respect, even if wise and just in themselves, are inexcusable, because done by one who has no legal right to do them.

If her purpose was to keep Rafaella out of trouble, or keep Lexie from getting into a part of Darkover where Terrans were not entitled to go, what she had just said was inexcusable.

I have done nothing to him directly, but by an inexcusable act of stupidity I have wounded his dear friend Manucci in his tenderest part. With the most innocent intentions I reposed my confidence in a cowardly fellow, who sold it to Manucci for a hundred pistoles.

The damage these ultraliberals are doing to the country I inherited is inexcusable.

I knew I could probably be unbiased with a guy accused of robbing a store or burglarizing a home, but what Rifkin did was too inexcusable.

I asked Lidia to forgive me for my inexcusable blunderings of the past and asked all of them to tell me how they had become don Juan's apprentices.

Franz Illescue said stiffly, "on behalf of Briarwood Reproduction Center, I offer you my sincere and personal apologies for our inexcusable violation of your confidentiality.

Dying was sometimes unavoidable, but losing one's cool was inexcusable.

It's inexcusable that she shouldn't be memorialized in her own school.

It was inexcusable, to use the boy like this, to show forth the weakness of the Asturian throne!