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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ It is one of the romances and revolutions of modern industrialism.
▪ It is precisely this anti-productive aspect of industrialism which is highlighted by the ethnological work construct.
▪ It may be that increasing industrialism made the modern world an uglier, less attractive subject.
▪ Most alarmingly, the show suggests that industrialism, valuing commodities above itself, promoted a ghoulish worship of death.
▪ The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
▪ This critique of industrialism is, therefore, in attacking the profit motive, a critique of capitalism.
▪ This is the claim that industrialism had lightened the intensity of human productive activity.
▪ Whether politically right or left, all modern institutions would conform to the needs of industrialism and the logic of its expansion.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Industrialism \In*dus"tri*al*ism\, n.

  1. Devotion to industrial pursuits; labor; industry.
    --J. S. Mill.

  2. The principles or policy applicable to industrial pursuits or organized labor.

    Industrialism must not confounded with industriousness.
    --H. Spencer.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1831, from industrial + -ism. Compare French industrialisme (Saint-Simon, 1823).


n. The socio-economic system based upon the industrial production of manufactured goods, rather than on agriculture.


n. an economic system built on large industries rather than on agriculture or craftsmanship

Usage examples of "industrialism".

Like earlier British writers and artists, Lawrence believed that industrialism doomed the worker to a life of dehumanizing ugliness and servility.

He believed that industrialism was dehumanizing and destructive to civilization.

The free-swinging entrepreneur who started up vast enterprises unafraid of defeat or adverse opinion, is a folk hero of industrialism, particularly in the United States.

In both its capitalist and communist variants, industrialism was a system focused on the maximization of material welfare.

Third, reflecting the bureaucratic organization of industrialism, technocratic planning was premised on hierarchy.