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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Indulge \In*dulge"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Indulged; p. pr. & vb. n. Indulging.] [L. indulgere to be kind or tender to one; cf. OIr. dilgud, equiv. to L. remissio, OIr. dligeth, equiv. to L. lex, Goth. dulgs debt.]

  1. To be complacent toward; to give way to; not to oppose or restrain;

    1. when said of a habit, desire, etc.: to give free course to; to give one's self up to; as, to indulge sloth, pride, selfishness, or inclinations;

    2. when said of a person: to yield to the desire of; to gratify by compliance; to humor; to withhold restraint from; as, to indulge children in their caprices or willfulness; to indulge one's self with a rest or in pleasure.

      Hope in another life implies that we indulge ourselves in the gratifications of this very sparingly.

  2. To grant as by favor; to bestow in concession, or in compliance with a wish or request.

    Persuading us that something must be indulged to public manners.
    --Jer. Taylor.

    Yet, yet a moment, one dim ray of light Indulge, dread Chaos, and eternal Night!

    Note: It is remarked by Johnson, that if the matter of indulgence is a single thing, it has with before it; if it is a habit, it has in; as, he indulged himself with a glass of wine or a new book; he indulges himself in idleness or intemperance. See Gratify.


vb. (present participle of indulge English)


n. the act of indulging or gratifying a desire [syn: indulgence, pampering, humoring]

Usage examples of "indulging".

Of course Belle was a pathological liar, but I had read somewhere that pathological liars usually have a pattern, starting from the truth and embellishing it, rather than indulging in complete fancy.

He had not actually been indulging in self-pity, or - the notion amused him - wearing mental sackcloth and ashes.

He tried for mental control of pain synapses but his head was indulging in a monumental ache.

He always had something for Gil and Kat, too, and so they were indulging in an illicit feast when his comunit clicked on.

It did cross her mind that Antona might just be indulging in the luxury of a captive audience.

She laughed at the black look on Meron's face, laughed until the Lord Holder angered beyond caution, shook her arm roughly, pointing to the eggs which were now indulging in wild maneuvers as their occupants tried to break out.

Jaxom knew that fire-lizard queens rarely indulged in tactile contact with queens, but Beauty and the strange gold were as joyously indulging as Menolly and the man.

Her dragon was staring at Zaranth, indulging in some communication that neither rider heard.

Constantine himself is accused of indulging a royal license to doubt, or deny, or deride the mysteries of the Catholics, ^20 but they were deeply inscribed in the public and private creed of his bishops.

The Greeks, whom he repeatedly attacked, derived a faint consolation from indulging themselves in the reproaches of perfidy and sacrilege.

She wouldn't want to risk that friendship and affection by indulging her own needs.

Still, for a dizzying moment she thought of indulging in a brief affair with him.

And without indulging her fancy with girlish dreams of a noble and handsome suitor Venetia felt that marriage with another than Edward would be the most agreeable solution to her difficulties.

If the guests were not indulging in vulgar rompings, such as playing Hunt the Squirrel, with those shameless lightskirts squealing fit to bring the rafters down, and egging on the gentlemen to behave in a very scandalous way, they were turning the house into a gaming-hell, and drinking the cellar dry.

But by four o’clock she had reached the nerve-racking stage of wondering whether to send out all the menservants to scour the countryside, or whether in so doing she would be indulging a fit of extravagant folly which would infuriate Aubrey.