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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inducer \In*du"cer\, n.

  1. One who, or that which, induces or incites.

  2. Specifically: (Genetics) A substance which, when it contacts a living cell, causes the activation of a gene; as, non-metabolizable inducers are useful for studying the kinetics of genetic control systems.


n. 1 One who induces 2 a molecule that starts gene expression

  1. n. an agent capable of activating specific genes

  2. someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on [syn: persuader]


In molecular biology, an inducer is a molecule that regulates gene expression. An inducer can bind to repressors or activators.

Inducers function by disabling repressors. The gene is expressed because an inducer binds to the repressor. The binding of the inducer to the repressor prevents the repressor from binding to the operator. RNA polymerase can then begin to transcribe operon genes.

Inducers also function by binding to activators. Activators generally bind poorly to activator DNA sequences unless an inducer is present. Activator binds to an inducer and the complex binds to the activation sequence and activates target gene. Removing the inducer stops transcription.

Because a small inducer molecule is required, the increased expression of the target gene is called induction. The lactose operon is one example of an inducible system.

Usage examples of "inducer".

Overproject Whisper, the quantum interphase mat-trans inducers opened a rift in the hyperdimen-sional quantum stream, between a relativistic here and there.

That initial success was replicated many times, and with the replication came the modifications and improvements of the quantum interphase mat-trans inducers, reaching the point where they were manufactured in modular form.

The talk now included phrases like Schwarzchild radius and Cerenkov radiation -- definitely sleep- inducers.

So we've made a whole stack of modifications: we increased the oxidizer inducer diameter, strengthened the gimbal seat and the cross block, strengthened the high pressure ducts and the thrust chambers, beefed up the turbine exhaust manifold, improved the heat exchanger, increased the power of the turbine.