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The Collaborative International Dictionary

induced \induced\ adj. brought about or caused; not spontaneous; as, a case of steroid-induced weakness. Contrasted to spontaneous.


vb. (en-past of: induce)


adj. brought about or caused; not spontaneous; "a case of steroid-induced weakness" [ant: spontaneous]


Usage examples of "induced".

Festina, Aarhus, and Nimbus were no more amusing than the Divians, because Festina wanted to be told how Nimbus had induced baby Starbiter to cry for help.

One circumstance which has induced me to speak to you is that on an occasion when I accompanied Madame Angelin to a house in the Rue de Miromesnil, I perceived you there with that girl, who had another child in her arms.

Thomas More Anglesey had then been induced, somehow, to marry the embarrassed Countess and raise the two boys.

Fritsch and Hitzig and Ferrier had induced in animals, by the same method of experimentation.

I think simple induced ataraxia should be enough to keep you from trying to escape.

Thorington of Philadelphia has seen a paroxysm of epilepsy induced by the instillation of atropia in the eye of a child nearly cured of the malady.

The comparative contentment of the great Sheikh at this moment, her silence, and the sudden departure of Fakredeen, induced Baroni to believe that there was yet something on the cards, and, being of a sanguine disposition, he sincerely encouraged his master, who, however, did not appear to be very desponding.

In a much more concentrated form than,existed in a hive, it transformed the dazed young workers into a buzzing mob, held together by their chemically induced perception that other bees were trying to rob their honey stores.

The legend goes on to tell that in the course of the presentation of the gift, an incident occurred which induced Gentile Bellini to quit the Ottoman Court with all haste.

With a promise of double payment, she induced Gines to stay aboard and lead them to Bilbao, and at first light next morning he and Haemur began the long and tedious process of picking their way among the great rocks and tiny islands strung out along the Galician coast like so many shards of broken crockery.

Not the kind of depression that comes from stress at work, and grief, and marital difficulties, but biochemically induced stress, which would make the world seem bleak even in the most normal of times.

Having learned from the tattle-mongers that he had induced his fat enemy to call at Upper Grosvenor Square, Brummell must make sure the Prince continued his calls by a few more outings with Mrs.

She just has a little problem with petit mal seizures induced by neurologically deficient cardiopulmonary oedema.

Peri, Caccini and Cavaliere appears to be a striking phenomenon in the growth of music, and we are easily induced to believe that this new species burst upon the artistic firmament like a meteor.

I knew, though Bonaparte was not aware of the circumstance at the time, that Chateaubriand at first refused the situation, and that he was only induced to accept it by the entreaties of the head of the clergy, particularly of the Abby Emery, a man of great influence.