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Indrajit or Meghanada was a prince of Lanka. He was mentioned in the Indian epic Ramayana as the son of king Ravana. As per the wish of Ravana, Indrajit was blessed to be a warrior equal to Lord Shiva. Indrajit played an active role in the great war between Rama and Ravana. He was a mighty Mahamaharathi. He is considered as the most powerful and the only warrior to ever possess the three ultimate weapons of Trimurti, i.e. Brahmanda astra, Vaishnava astra, and Pashupatastra. He acquired all kinds of celestial weapons from his Guru Shukra, Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. By defeating the devas in the heaven he took their weapons and become the possessor of all kinds of divine weapons of deva, asura's and Trimurti's. He even twice defeated Rama and Lakshman, the avatars of Lord Vishnu. Indrajit killed 670 million Vanara's in a single day, nearly exterminating the entire half man-half monkey race.