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n. (plural of indication English)

Usage examples of "indications".

On the south coast, at Akrotiri, intercept operators listened for indications of war in the Middle East, while also eavesdropping on peace negotiations.

NSA study undertaken by Hanyok, Allied communications intelligence would have picked up indications of this roundup from the cable lines and airwaves linking Vichy France with foreign capitals.

Dick Sands had never relaxed his watchfulness, but he had failed to discover any further indications of a coast-line.

The indications of a gathering storm were too manifest to be disregarded, and Dick could not help being very uneasy.

Therefore, the orders that generally were distributed in reasonable tone, that day were shouted with impatience, and the indications which generally they were fulfilled quickly, that day were made with the stupidity of the people who are nervous and wishing to finish with something of a good time.

He followed the indications of the posters, surrounded the building and one stopped the window in front of where meals dispatched to the automobiles directly.

According to the map and the indications, we go in correct direction, but there was no indication on a way that raised in line straight.

I hope that the one that gave to the map and the indications you knew what did said Julie.

First, there were few indications that the rest of the Iraqi Army was ready to defect to the rebels.

United States reportedly has already detected indications of such activity.

Others, in the High Frequency Direction Finding Division, monitored the airwaves for thousands of miles in all directions for any indications of Soviet sea activity.

The indications had been growing for weeks, like swells before a storm.

Like electronic border police, intercept operators manned 100 positions in a windowless operations building, listening for indications of infiltration and guerrilla activity.

NSA reported that Sigint had also picked up indications of increased enemy presence near Saigon.

Weyand, had become convinced, by intercepts, traffic analysis, and DF indications he had just received, that a major offensive was about to take place.