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Indianisation (British India)

Indianisation was a process introduced in the later period of British India (early 20th century) whereby Indian officers were promoted to more senior positions in government services, formerly reserved for Europeans. In the Indian police, the rank of Deputy Superintendent was introduced to prepare Indian officers for promotion to higher rank. In the armed forces, the process referred to the replacement of British officers by Indians. The progress was slow and unsatisfactory to the Indian nationalist politicians, however events, mainly the Second World War and the partition and independence which followed it, overtook the programme.


Indianisation may refer to:

  • historical spread of Indian culture beyond India proper:
    • Greater India
    • Sanskritization
    • Indianized kingdom
    • Hinduism in Southeast Asia
    • Silk Road transmission of Buddhism
  • the instalment of native officials in British India, see Indianisation (British India)