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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Index \In"dex\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Indexed; p. pr. & vb. n. Indexing.]

  1. To provide with an index or table of references; to put into an index; as, to index a book, or its contents.

  2. (Economics) To adjust (wages, prices, taxes, etc.) automatically so as to compensate for changes in prices, usually as measured by the consumer price index or other economic measure. Its purpose is usually to copensate for inflation.

  3. To insert (a word, name, file folder, etc.) into an index or into an indexed arrangement; as, to index a contract under its date of signing.


n. A system used to assign indexes. vb. (present participle of index English)


n. the act of classifying and providing an index in order to make items easier to retrieve

Indexing (motion)

Indexing in reference to motion is moving (or being moved) into a new position or location quickly and easily but also precisely. After a machine part has been indexed, its location is known to within a few hundredths of a millimeter (thousandths of an inch), or often even to within a few thousandths of a millimeter (ten-thousandths of an inch), despite the fact that no elaborate measuring or layout was needed to establish that location. Indexing is a necessary kind of motion in many areas of mechanical engineering and machining. A part that indexes, or can be indexed, is said to be indexable.

Usually when the word indexing is used, it refers specifically to rotation. That is, indexing is most often the quick and easy but precise rotation of a machine part through a certain known number of degrees. For example, Machinery's Handbook, 25th edition, in its section on milling machine indexing, says, "Positioning a workpiece at a precise angle or interval of rotation for a machining operation is called indexing." In addition to that most classic sense of the word, the swapping of one part for another, or other controlled movements, are also sometimes referred to as indexing, even if rotation is not the focus.

Usage examples of "indexing".

Research, for Research Defence, for World Indexing, for the translation of Scientific Papers, for the Diffusion of New Knowledge, the surplus energies of a great number of Open Conspirators can be directed to entirely creative ends and a new world system of scientific work built up, within which such dear old institutions as the Royal Society of London, the various European Academies of Science and the like, now overgrown and inadequate, can maintain their venerable pride in themselves, their mellowing prestige, and their distinguished exclusiveness, without their present privilege of inflicting cramping slights and restrictions upon the more abundant scientific activities of to-day.

Indexing and organization are desirable, but there is free and priced software to index and organize any online content in any way that users want.

Sandy was overwhelmed by the job of inventorying, indexing, and otherwise making the material available for use as desired.

Thus while fencing with Nalavia he could merely set his data processor to indexing the material he had input during the night, so that later he could access the rest of it in an organized fashion, and ponder its meaning.

The human brain is an incredible natural indexing system we can only approximate in Star Eagles and Vals and the rest.