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n. (plural of indentation English)

Usage examples of "indentations".

As his long sensitive fingers passed over the wedge-shaped indentations in its surface, as he read it in the dark, the discomforts and ugliness of his surroundings faded.

News photographers snapped pictures of the strange footprints and the indentations made by the landing gear.

How graciously the water makes into the land, following the indentations, and flowing in little streams, going in and withdrawing gently and regretfully, and how the shore puts itself out in low points, wooing the embrace of the sea--a lovely union.

The eastern coast, with its ragged outline of bays, headlands, indentations, islands, capes, and sand-spits, from Watch Hill, a favorite breezy resort, to Mount Desert, presents an almost continual chain of hotels and summer cottages.

What might be left, besides the words, indentations and ink on paper, after so many years?

Marked depression of prints suggests indentations made by pressure of knees.

Wood shavings found in indentations mentioned in item 4 and under window were identical to shavings in coffin.