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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Indefinably \In`de*fin"a*bly\, adv. In an indefinable manner.


adv. In an indefinable manner

Usage examples of "indefinably".

There was that air about him that marked him indefinably as a dragonman.

Every breath she drew in smelled of soap and heat and something indefinably male.

There was an air of quietness about it that often indefinably pervades a house in which there is illness or a tragedy.

The figure had something indefinably familiar about it, but a moment later it was gone, having turned the corner.

There was something indefinably familiar about him, but as his face and figure were so well concealed, I could not tell just why I thought so.

They were cut to Dad’s barrel-shaped frame and would never have fit me, even if they hadn’t been old, worn at cuffs and shoulders, and indefinably old-mannish in their style.

Their readiness to pay was indefinably mingled with a dread of being expected to, and their prodigalities would take flight at the first hint of coercion.