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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
indecent exposure
▪ After all, if you sent her your book, isn't that indecent exposure of a kind?
▪ Among the categories dropped were battery, narcotics and weapons offenses, grand theft and indecent exposure.
▪ An awful lot of indecent exposure used to go on.
▪ But yesterday the newspaper delivery man walked free from Wimbledon Court, South London, after being fined £200 for indecent exposure.
▪ Previous convictions: one for indecent exposure, one for indecent assault.
indecent exposure

n. (context legal English) The intentional exposure of the genitals, inner buttocks or female nipples in public (in lands where this is not the cultural norm).

indecent exposure

n. vulgar and offensive nakedness in a public place [syn: public nudity]

Indecent exposure

As a legal expression, indecent exposure is the deliberate exposure in public or in view of the general public by a person of a portion or portions of his or her body, in circumstances where the exposure is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior. Social and community attitudes to the exposing of various body parts and laws covering what is referred to as indecent exposure vary significantly in different countries. It ranges from prohibition of exposure of genital areas, buttocks, and female breasts.

Decency is generally judged by the standards of the local community, which is sometimes codified in law. Such standards may be based on religion, morality or tradition, or justified on the basis of "necessary to public order". Non-sexual exhibitionism or public nudity is sometimes considered indecent exposure. If sexual acts are performed, with or without an element of nudity, this can be considered gross indecency, which is usually a more serious criminal offence. In some countries, exposure of the body in breach of community standards of modesty is also considered to be public indecency.

The legal and community standards of what states of undress constitute indecent exposure vary considerably, and depend on the context in which the exposure takes place. These standards have also varied over time, making the definition of indecent exposure itself a complex topic.

Indecent Exposure (album)

Indecent Exposure was a 1970s compilation album from comedian George Carlin. It was his final release on the Little David label. The album was released on vinyl and cassette, but never CD.

Indecent Exposure (Sharpe novel)

Indecent Exposure is a satirical novel by British writer Tom Sharpe, originally published in 1973. The sequel to Riotous Assembly, the author’s debut novel, this story also successfully lampoons the South African police under apartheid.

Usage examples of "indecent exposure".

I am aware that some places do not have America's high moral standards and are careless about indecent exposure.

And I should explain that immodesty did not necessarily mean to us what it evidently means to you white men: an indecent exposure of one's unclothed body.

With luck, he'll get off with nothing more than a few fights, broken glasses or a loud and public sex rally involving anything from indecent exposure to a gang-bang in one of the booths.

You can wear a fur coat for all of me-but you won't get picked up for indecent exposure.

In for something stupid like indecent exposure or marijuana possession.

Got a sheet with a couple of sexual assaults and an indecent exposure.

If he was, he'd have been arrested for indecent exposure, wouldn't he?