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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inculpatory \In*cul"pa*to*ry\, a. Imputing blame; causing blame to be imputed to; criminatory; compromising; implicating. Opposite of exculpatory.


a. that causes someone to be blamed for something


adj. causing blame to be imputed to [syn: inculpative] [ant: exculpatory]

Usage examples of "inculpatory".

To Sterling Thorne, the matrices would prove more valuable than any treasure map, more inculpatory than any confession.

Most of the facts about the alleged conspiracy had come from his intercepted correspondence, and the most inculpatory evidence had been extracted from the portions in cipher by Willes and by Anthony Corbiere, a former foreign service official in his mid-thirties who had also been appointed a Decypherer in 1719.