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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inconstancy \In*con"stan*cy\, n. [L. inconstantia.] The quality or state of being inconstant; lack of constancy; mutability; fickleness; variableness.

For unto knight there was no greater shame, Than lightness and inconstancie in love.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1520s, from Latin inconstantia (see inconstance).


n. Lack of constancy; lack of consistency in thought, emotion or action.

  1. n. unfaithfulness by virtue of being unreliable or treacherous [syn: faithlessness, falseness, fickleness]

  2. the quality of being changeable and variable [syn: changefulness] [ant: constancy]


Inconstancy may refer to:

  • Inconsistency
  • Impermanence

Usage examples of "inconstancy".

But the people of Alexandria, a various mixture of nations, united the vanity and inconstancy of the Greeks with the superstition and obstinacy of the Egyptians.

She therefore demanded security, and proposed, as a preliminary of the agreement, that he should privately take her to wife, with a view to dispel all her apprehensions of his inconstancy or deceit, as such a previous engagement would be a check upon his behaviour, and keep him strictly to the letter of their contract.

When I hear women talking about the bad faith and inconstancy of men, and maintaining that when men make promises of eternal constancy they are always deceivers, I confess that they are right, and join in their complaints.

Marvell took the limner away, saying he would see to all and then my husband felt to reproaching of me so that I was hard put to defend myself against him though I foreswore any inconstancy on my own part.

I feel for you will suffer no delay and no rivals, not even the slightest inconstancy.

Their continual revolts, their impatience of law and civilized life, their inconstancy and cruelty, demanded on the part of the government a constant watchfulness to reduce them to obedience.

That, in addition to the absence of all Earth diseases and predators and inconstancies of nature, meant that these plants were many times as productive as they could have been on Earth itself.

Bingley, so easily falls in love with a pretty girl for a few weeks, and when accident separates them, so easily forgets her, that these sort of inconstancies are very frequent.