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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incompletely \In`com*plete"ly\, adv. In an incomplete manner.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from incomplete + -ly (2).


adv. 1 In an incomplete manner. 2 To an incomplete degree.


adv. not to a full degree or extent; "words incompletely understood"; "a form filled out incompletely"

Usage examples of "incompletely".

We pressed a series of gelatin-coated photographic papers onto the comforter with a hot iron and then treated the papers to find the presence of nitrates, which would be found if there existed nitrocellulose on the comforter that had been incompletely burned.

They aided her in moving around until she could fold her mid and hindlimbs under herself next to the two balls that were opening up on the pile of leaf fragments into miniature, incompletely formed centauroids.

He distractedly consulted the TV between catnaps (and sometimes dreamed confusedly, incompletely, that the blond one of Cagney and Lacey was his girlfriend) but he waited now for Ginger to call him.

For a long time she lay there, stiff, staring at the dark and newly ominous shapes of the bedroom furniture and at the window, where incompletely drawn draperies revealed a band of glass silvered by a fall of moonlight and by the rising beams of streetlamps below.

Organisms that could chunk could also hold separate and simultaneous concepts in mind, and that was something that electronic Als could manage only through massively parallel processing, and then incompletely at best.