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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incommunicable \In`com*mu"ni*ca*ble\, a. [L. incommunicabilis: cf. F. incommunicable. See In- not, and Communicable.] Not communicable; incapable of being communicated, shared, told, or imparted, to others.

Health and understanding are incommunicable.

Those incommunicable relations of the divine love.
--South. -- In`com*mu"ni*ca*ble*ness, n. -- In`com*mu"ni*ca*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1560s, "not communicative," from in- (1) "not" + communicable. Sense of "not able to be communicated" first recorded 1570s. Related: Incommunicably.


a. 1 (context of a disease etc English) That cannot be communicated or transmitted 2 (context of a person English) Who does not communicate freely; uncommunicative or reserved

Usage examples of "incommunicable".

All things were harmonious, the glorious cocoa-palms, the bright green slopes, the sunset gold on the lake-like river, the ranges of forest-covered mountains etherealizing in the purple light, the swarthy faces and scarlet uniforms of the Sikh guard, and rich and luscious odors, floated in on balmy airs, glories of the burning tropics, untellable and incommunicable!

And they were different, profoundly different, sharing interests and enthusiasms perfectly incommunicable to any other generation, as if genetic drift or disruptive selection had produced a bimodal distribution, so that members of the old Homo sapiens were now coinhabiting the planet with a new Homo ares, creatures tall and slender and graceful and utterly at home, chattering to each other in a profound self-absorption as they did the work that would make Hellas Basin into a sea.