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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incommensurate \In`com*men"su*rate\, a.

  1. Not commensurate; not admitting of a common measure; incommensurable.

  2. Not of equal of sufficient measure or extent; not adequate; as, our means are incommensurate to our wants.

    Syn: Inadequate; insufficient; disproportionate. -- In`com*men"su*rate*ly, adv. -- In`com*men"su*rate*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + commensurate.


a. Out of proportion (in size, degree or extent) with something else


adj. (often followed by `with') not corresponding in size or degree or extent; "a reward incommensurate with his effort" [ant: commensurate]

Usage examples of "incommensurate".

Timothy Tox, Pennsylvaniad Through July they continue North, thro' swamps, snakes, godawful humidity, thunder-gusts at night, trees so thick that even with thirty axmen, each chain's length seems won with Labor incommensurate, waking each glaucous Dawn into sweat and stillness, to struggle another Day, with no confidence that at the correct Distance, they will pass anywhere near the Tangent Point, much less touch it exactly.