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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incognizable \In*cog"ni*za*ble\, a. Not cognizable; incapable of being recognized, known, or distinguished.
--H. Spenser.

The Lettish race, not a primitive stock of the Slavi, but a distinct branch, now become incognizable.


a. Not cognizable; incapable of being recognised.


adj. incapable of being perceived or known [syn: incognoscible]

Usage examples of "incognizable".

Through the long, ragged rift there poured in hellish ebullition a dark, ever-swelling mass of incognizable matter, frothing as with the venomous foam of a million serpents, hissing as with the yeast of fermenting wine, and putting forth here and there great sooty-looking bubbles that were large as pig-bladders.