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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incinerate \In*cin"er*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Incinerated; p. pr. & vb. n. Incinerating.] To burn to ashes; to consume by fire; to burn.

It is the fire only that incinerates bodies.


vb. (present participle of incinerate English)

Usage examples of "incinerating".

Julian blasted the bulb with a laserlike burst of fire from the sky, incinerating it before the acid spray could touch Darius.

He then directed an orange flame at the still-pulsating organ, incinerating it to a fine gray ash.

She watched as he gathered the energy from the lightning and directed it first at the heart, then the body of the undead, and lastly into the ground itself, incinerating the dark blood that spread like a stain over the forest floor.

A ball of orange flame looking like a meteor from space then struck him in the belly, incinerating the monster, who howled eerily as he turned to ashes.

Without warning a fiery ball slammed from the sky onto the ghastly, nightmarish figure flopping about in the courtyard, incinerating it.

Fire raced across the ground, leaping from one body to the other, incinerating the two creatures for all time, erasing all evidence of their existence, as if they had never been.

The ball hurtled from above and struck him, searing easily through his chest and incinerating his heart in one blow.

The burning blade continued to spread its devouring flame outward, incinerating as it went.

Dragons, now, wheeling outward, black, one crimson, waves of Kurald Galain, lashing out, incinerating the demonic condors.

Flames rose before him, leaping from tree to tree, incinerating the twigs, biting deeply into the larger branches.

They were to take out the police as he’d originally intended, luring them into ambushes and incinerating the precinct stations.

He wanted to let the lieutenant die in a burst of incinerating solar flame--but that man could help him, for now.

Mikhail took to the air, laying down a long red-orange flame, incinerating all of the hideous beetles and locusts within his range.

The orange ball of energy slammed into the body, incinerating it immediately, then leaping to the head to reduce it to a fine powder of ashes.