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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Incarcerate \In*car"cer*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Incarcerated; p. pr. & vb. n. Incarcerating.] [Pref. in- in + L. carceratus, p. p. of carcerare to imprison, fr. carcer prison.]

  1. To imprison; to confine in a jail or prison.

  2. To confine; to shut up or inclose; to hem in.

    Incarcerated hernia (Med.), hernia in which the constriction can not be easily reduced.


vb. (present participle of incarcerate English)

Usage examples of "incarcerating".

I suspect they may be in the process of incarcerating him as we speak.

Of course, since the Posleen tended to eat their enemies instead of incarcerating them, the latter outcome was quite unsatisfactory.