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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ For a given instance of a text, the values of some components are inapplicable.
▪ Further, this principle should not be inapplicable simply because the citizen paid the money under mistake of law.
▪ Most of them were inapplicable, but there were procedures for language which might be appropriate.
▪ That he went grossly wrong in applying the standard does not mean that the standard as such was inapplicable.
▪ The flashpoints model is therefore inapplicable to this form of disorder and other explanations are therefore necessary.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Inapplicable \In*ap"pli*ca*ble\, a. [Pref. in- not + applicable.] Not applicable; incapable of being applied; not adapted; not suitable; as, the argument is inapplicable to the case.
--J. S. Mill.

Syn: Unsuitable; unsuited; unadapted; inappropriate; inapposite; irrelevant. -- In*ap"pli*ca*ble*ness, n. -- In*ap"pli*ca*bly, adv.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1650s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + applicable. Related: Inapplicably; inapplicability.


a. Not applicable; incapable of being apply; not adapted; not suitable; as, the argument is inapplicable to the case.


adj. not capable of being applied; "rules inapplicable to day students" [syn: unsuitable]

Usage examples of "inapplicable".

It would have been reasoning inapplicable to Adela, but from a certain point of view it might have served as a resource.

This theory, moreover, is totally inapplicable to the northern Maldiva atolls in the Indian Ocean (one of which is 88 miles in length, and between 10 and 20 in breadth), for they are not bounded like ordinary atolls by narrow reefs, but by a vast number of separate little atolls.

But whatever that may be in the dying which with violently painful sensation robs of all sensation, yet, when it is piously and faithfully borne, it increases the merit of patience, but does not make the name of punishment inapplicable.