The Collaborative International Dictionary
Inaccurately \In*ac"cu*rate*ly\, adv. In an inaccurate manner; incorrectly; inexactly.
adv. In an inaccurate manner; incorrectly; inexactly.
adv. in an inaccurate manner; "this student works rather inaccurately and sloppily" [ant: accurately]
Usage examples of "inaccurately".
So many things could go wrong if even a small portion of the ancient formulae was wrong, out of date, inaccurately set down.
I was told he felt it would cause men to fire inaccurately and waste ammunition.
He had written authoritatively and inaccurately on practically every scholarly subject, in Assyriology as well as Egyptology.
The hill tribes call them 'The Place Where No Man Rules,' which translates rather inaccurately as the Anarchies.
If you’d seen some of the lovingly but inaccurately written stories I’ve seen, including a film script that had me cringing in fear that it would be produced, you’d understand how I feel about having my literary child misrepresented.
The laser lens is very sensitive, and subject to interference from dust or dirt or smoke or pollutants or moisture, and a dirty one can inaccurately read CDs, making for false starts, inaudible passages, digital skipping, speed changes and general distortion.