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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
in vitro fertilization
▪ We have already seen in vitro fertilization of both a panda and a gorilla.
in vitro fertilization

n. (context medicine English) The fertilization of an egg by sperm outside of a woman's body; normally used as a treatment for infertility

Usage examples of "in vitro fertilization".

I remembered that Jilly was a pediatric nurse, and worked at the hospital's in vitro fertilization clinic.

Lots of women do it as part of in vitro fertilization, and remember we're talking about forty-five thousand dollars.

A necessity before in vitro fertilization, so that there could be no question about paternity or joint ownership of the embryos.

The pregnancies were achieved through various guises-some-times as a result of purported in vitro fertilization, sometimes through supposed insertion of donor sperm.

The Genetic and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Institute, an infertility clinic in Fairfax, Virginia, uses a process that separates the male chromosome from the female chromosome sperm, allowing parents to determine the sex of their baby before it is conceived.