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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a dramatic improvement
▪ There has been a dramatic improvement in the standard of students’ work.
an improvement/rise in standards
▪ There has been an improvement in living standards.
▪ Gordon Richards's star novice created a tremendous impression when beating Dreamers Delight at Doncaster and possesses scope for considerable improvement.
▪ A considerable improvement on Miss Morrow.
▪ There was also a considerable improvement in international trade through Danzig.
▪ From the 1950s onwards there was considerable improvement to the standard of living.
▪ However, in the first five months of the current financial year to 30 September 1992, it showed considerable improvement.
▪ In all three cases a considerable improvement of library provision and management in the relevant areas is expected.
▪ Modern high-speed routers and precision bearing have allowed considerable improvements in speed, accuracy and versatility.
▪ Nevertheless, despite considerable improvement in her social circumstances, she took a repeat overdose one year later.
▪ Learning from experience is a recipe for continuous improvement.
▪ In Workplace 2000, every company will need world-class performance and continuous improvement to be successful.
▪ Known as Ford Q1, the programme provides a formal system for implementing continuous improvement methods which is recognised and accepted worldwide.
▪ By contrast, total quality and continuous improvement concern themselves with improving performance in smaller chunks.
▪ Finally, there needs to be a commitment to continuous improvement through development.
▪ For a market economy to work, the population must be made to believe that it is in need of continuous improvement.
▪ An organisational commitment to continuous improvement of the skills of members 5.
▪ Establish measurement means to feed continuous improvement.
▪ With the spring, there was a dramatic improvement in the quality of life.
▪ In recent years, dramatic improvements have been made in methods of tracking and managing public opinion.
▪ The report shows that there have been dramatic improvements in some areas in the past 10 years.
▪ He showed dramatic improvement from his junior year to his senior year.
▪ Finally hopes for a dramatic improvement in trade with Commonwealth members were not realized.
▪ By that evening there was dramatic improvement.
▪ This single speaker unit is designed to add to an existing hi fi setup to provide a dramatic improvement in bass reproduction.
▪ A trial of colchicine, which yields dramatic improvement, supports the diagnosis of gout.
▪ A third have also carried out environmental improvement work, mainly teacher instigated.
▪ About ten members toured the reed bed scheme at Billingham and later had discussions about local environmental improvement programmes.
▪ It's the latest move in Teesside Operations' environmental improvement programme.
▪ There is little to indicate that environmental and/or property improvements actually create jobs, boost output or encourage investment.
▪ It cooed about sewage treatment, environmental improvements and coastal waters.
▪ Newly built houses, newly created jobs and environmental improvements have not significantly benefited the original population.
▪ Similarly, the costs of environmental improvements in the chemical industry are ultimately paid for by consumers.
▪ Twelve similar locomotives, with further improvements, were built.
▪ After this stage, there are no further structural improvements in the quality of reasoning.
▪ It is accepted that there is scope for further improvement.
▪ Three months later, the District Court adopted a plan requiring $ 187, 450, 334 in further capital improvements.
▪ Mr. Wakeham Certainly the productivity of the coal industry has improved greatly over the years, but further improvement is still required.
▪ The Suzuki rider showed a further improvement in final practice at with a best of one minute 31.188 seconds.
▪ It followed that further improvements would result in even higher earnings.
▪ Yet despite the general improvement in relations and these two releases, we weren't confident that we would soon follow.
▪ It should be pointed out that despite increasing income concentration, there has been a general improvement in the quality of life.
▪ Low inflation in industrialized countries restrained increases in import prices, resulting in a general improvement in the terms of trade.
▪ There was a readiness to accept new technology and a general desire for improvements.
▪ This growth he put down to the general improvement in bookshop presentation and the wider availability of books in non-traditional outlets.
▪ However, certain key facts indicate general improvements: 1.
▪ Initiatives undertaken in response to the widespread dissatisfaction with residential care have led to a general improvement in the quality of services.
▪ When earnings rise higher than prices, pensioners therefore do not share in the general improvement in the standard of living.
▪ They are upon that account the greatest of all improvements.
▪ Decentralization, empowerment, and ownership created great improvement in our control of events, products, and outcomes.
▪ Avoiding these foods has produced a great improvement in his behaviour.
▪ Using this information, it reassigned its street cleaners and began to reward crews that made the greatest improvements.
▪ One great improvement involved the outer membrane of the cell.
▪ Wisely, he missed the first half, but sadly, the second half was not a great improvement.
▪ Safety watchdogs hope for an even greater improvement this week.
▪ One of the major factors inhibiting greater improvements in consumption levels is inflation, to which food prices become very vulnerable.
▪ It was James Watt who made the first major improvements to the principles worked out by Newcomen.
▪ Coincidentally, port officials are considering a similar tax to pay for major improvements at Lindbergh Field.
▪ It also necessitates major improvements to public transport facilities.
▪ Some of that fatiguing harshness was gone, a major improvement.
▪ Noise Here, the new big Renault shows major improvements compared with the R25.
▪ In Mold there will be major environmental improvements, pedestrianisation, improvements to the trader's hall and car parks.
▪ But, if you want the cash buy a car or to make a major home improvement we have special tailormade schemes.
▪ A major improvement was the use of a rechargeable battery inside the transmitter, which was recharged via two protruding wires.
▪ The first and second-class delivery services have shown a marked improvement over the past two or three years.
▪ With the advent of steam power there was a marked improvement in the movement of coal.
▪ He was given Lach. 0/1 with marked improvement after four doses, one dose daily.
▪ George Birkitt, whose main problem with the lines had been an unwillingness to look at them, showed a marked improvement.
▪ It won't be many days now before you see a real improvement in your basic shape.
▪ The revamped defensive line showed real signs of improvement.
▪ I hope you will follow up your cycling experience by campaigning for real improvements for this most environmentally friendly form of transport.
▪ Improving prescribing None the less real improvements could be made in prescribing, and fundholders have shown savings.
▪ But it has failed to deliver the real improvements the electorate want.
▪ Economy According to non-governmental sources, the economy showed no real signs of improvement.
▪ Nevertheless, given the one-roomed hovels many lived in at that period, there may indeed have been a real improvement.
▪ Overall, there may be no real improvement in welfare.
▪ Indeed it was possible that the obstacles to change in Britain were too deeply ingrained for any government to effect significant improvements.
▪ Also, historically, attendance demonstrates its most significant improvement in the year after a successful season.
▪ Never before have so many joined in the struggle to bring significant improvements to their lives.
▪ The ultimate aim of the counselling process is to achieve significant improvement in the social and interpersonal relationships of the counsellee.
▪ There was significant room for improvement.
▪ The Government have made significant improvements in that regard.
▪ It may show a significant improvement in which case you can conclude the child is learning.
▪ Modest but significant improvements were made in farming equipment.
▪ The next decade should be one of consolidation a d steady improvement.
▪ This was when the wealth of national communities began, for the first time, to show a steady and persistent improvement.
▪ The steady improvement of roads and the general increase in commerce helped boost cart traffic.
▪ A second evaluation, in March 1994, reflected these slow and steady improvements.
▪ He made steady improvement and was discharged 12 days after admission.
▪ His career has shown a steady improvement, and he has no bad habits that would inevitably lead to a falloff.
▪ The second and third weeks saw a steady improvement.
▪ From 1945 onwards there were steady improvements in magnetic tape.
▪ Moreover, substantial improvements could often be easily achieved.
▪ That would be a substantial improvement from the 25 percent of health-care premiums that they can deduct now.
▪ Very substantial improvements have been identified and are being realised but nothing stands still.
▪ And, don't forget that if you make substantial improvements to your home, it may increase its value.
▪ First, there have been substantial improvements in mortality over this century which are reflected in increased life expectancy.
▪ Although this is still far too many it represents a substantial improvement.
▪ In the United Kingdom the Homeowners' account continued to show substantial improvement with a reduced level of subsidence claims.
▪ The pub has been closed for eight weeks but tenant Tracy Willcox said the renovation was a vast improvement.
▪ The minivan is a vast improvement over its predecessor.
▪ Printing on special heavy and glossy paper can be a vast improvement over standard office paper.
▪ The airplane was a vast improvement over my dreamy mechanisms.
▪ It's also the first major re-design of the spreadsheet in 10 years and it's a vast improvement.
▪ It led to a vast improvement for everybody in Baldersdale because it provided a regular income.
▪ Sometimes it's because we need to make a home improvement - putting in a new kitchen for example.
▪ But standing there with Billie, surrounded by implements that promised home improvement, he yielded to an acquisitive urge.
▪ They are 50 percent more likely to carry out their own home improvements than Southerners.
▪ The show will also cover home improvement and gardening.
▪ Following the rules Many home improvements can be carried out without having to let anyone know.
▪ You can buy a round cardboard footing form at most home improvement centers that makes the process easier.
▪ The council says a holy coal house doesn't qualify as a home improvement and has refused planning permission.
▪ You can, for example, borrow a little more for home improvements, a much deserved holiday or whatever you choose.
▪ Given present quantitative disparities between East and West, incremental performance improvements do provide something to worry about.
▪ This operating method has yielded stunning performance improvements for all the players involved.
▪ Organizational leaders who are committed to performance improvement are well aware of this pitfall and take stern measures to avoid it.
▪ These are the kinds of decisions on which viable performance improvement is ultimately based.
▪ The organization that views its storied past as the sole model for performance improvement is, in most cases, doomed.
▪ Supervisors solicit employee ideas for performance improvement and informally recognize employee contributions.
▪ Its reliability and performance improvements are well documented.
▪ At the same time, the bosses began applying positive reinforcement to the workers: praise and recognition for performance improvement.
▪ Investment in brand building, marketing, distribution and productivity improvement has again been increased.
▪ The profit margin rose on productivity improvements and increased sales of higher-margin on-site industrial gas plants.
▪ Although sales in its chemicals division fell, productivity improvements and the pound's devaluation enabled profits to remain virtually unchanged.
▪ Economists who have studied productivity improvement distinguish between what they see as two distinct sets of causes.
▪ Those results are particularly anemic when compared to the quality and productivity improvements which the most savvy practitioners prove are possible.
▪ Putting things right, of course, is integral to quality improvement and this is where the corrective action teams come in.
▪ Adjusting for quality improvements or consumer substitutions when prices rise is no doubt technically challenging.
▪ Spreading the philosophy of quality improvement among our suppliers will also yield enormous benefits.
▪ Plant managers and supervisors begin to use token reinforcers to recognize teams with quality improvement or other noteworthy accomplishments.
▪ Second, quality improvement is far more difficult to define and measure in health than it is in education.
▪ Information systems are introducing similar quality improvement programs to link information systems with basic business needs.
▪ Measurement of quality; Quality improvements.
▪ They must also reimburse the company for any widening and road improvement carried out.
▪ A series of area road improvements could help Brown Field take flight as an air cargo hub.
▪ Development plans show future road improvements which may affect development, for example where new access on to an existing road is not permissible.
▪ I like it that way and accordingly have not made great efforts at road improvement.
▪ A few decades of road improvements have encouraged motorists to visit beauty spots formerly difficult of access.
▪ For example, this morning we announced the spending of £760 million on road improvement projects in the forthcoming financial year.
▪ The London to Holyhead road improvements produced both minor and major changes to the settlements along its route.
▪ Available money had gone into large road improvement schemes which had rather overwhelmed the rest of the programme.
▪ The ultimate aim of the counselling process is to achieve significant improvement in the social and interpersonal relationships of the counsellee.
▪ The potential improvement in performance and ways of achieving that improvement after a two-pass load are discussed below.
▪ Business unit development is part of a wide-ranging training schedule designed to achieve continuous improvement.
▪ The Minister could use all sorts of devices to achieve improvements.
▪ Like other mentally handicapped children, Down's children can achieve considerable educational improvement through a consistent programme of education and care.
▪ It requires a greater than one-for-one reduction in emissions in order to achieve a net improvement in ambient air quality.
▪ Artisans will develop their ability to diversify their products and achieve limited improvements in their technology.
▪ Never before have so many joined in the struggle to bring significant improvements to their lives.
▪ Performance can not be improved because the organization fears the very attributes that will bring about improvement.
▪ You may be the one person to bring about improvements which will benefit many others as well as yourself.
▪ But 1993 did not bring about any improvement in builder-government relations, at least according to the industry insiders.
▪ Narey has said changes in management at Brinsford and other YOIs have already brought about considerable improvements.
▪ This process of catharsis can bring improvements in both physical and mental health.
▪ A slight extension of those bands could ease the extra cost that might be brought about by improvements.
▪ This year does not promise to bring much improvement.
▪ The other, Reasima Abadi, will remain open after carrying out improvements to its waste treatment.
▪ A third have also carried out environmental improvement work, mainly teacher instigated.
▪ By remortgaging your home you could raise enough cash to allow you to buy a new car or carry out home improvements.
▪ Retailers expect a bigger improvement in June, but their expectations have proved to be over-optimistic in the past two months.
▪ She said she expects earnings improvement to begin in the first quarter.
▪ With the president in his present mood it is probably too optimistic to expect any improvement until after next year's election.
▪ But coach M. L. Carr is expecting improvement.
▪ Do not expect such a dramatic improvement on all of your reports but they will all benefit from a modest improvement.
▪ When next we flew dual, we would be expected to demonstrate improvement.
▪ Chairman Robin Biggam said that he does not expect to see any improvement until 1993.
▪ He expected continuous improvement in all areas, but particularly in quality, service, and fast-paced innovation.
▪ Seven actions for drivers are listed which would lead to improvement in air quality.
▪ There is nothing in the mutating process itself that leads to any improvement.
▪ But eventually it led to several notable improvements in the arrangements for the early detection of mental ill-health among faculty members.
▪ For the most obvious thing about them is that they have led to continuous bodily improvement.
▪ Pressure on costs will lead to improvements in harvesting machinery and more sensitive use of cleaners.
▪ Such expansion should lead to improvement of animal treatment through better controls.
▪ In some of the privatised ports, ending restrictive practices has led to an improvement in productivity of 50 to 100 percent.
▪ He believes trusts will lead to improvements for patients, but that the calibre of that management will be all important.
▪ Establish some short-term projects to make improvements and get your people involved.
▪ White talked of the progress his team made, the improvement on offense.
▪ In spite of a keen desire to reach greater heights, progress is hindered by poor practice methods which make improvement slow and frustrating.
▪ He wanted to be the one who did the organizing and made the improvements.
▪ There is a lot of parental involvement and we have made several improvements to give it a better image.
▪ Look at your writing space and find ways to make improvements.
▪ The Government have made significant improvements in that regard.
▪ The city also spent a few million dollars recently making additional improvements to Hi Corbett.
▪ Extra work has been commissioned to determine which highway links and junctions would need improvement to relieve any potential traffic logjam.
▪ The tip-off is your focus on performance that needs improvement, rather than focusing on your successes.
▪ You need to find what is right with your current life-style, in terms of food and exercise, and what needs improvement.
▪ Councilmen Jos Ibarra and Steve Leal have opposed it, saying the money is needed for improvements to existing neighborhoods.
▪ The data collected will then be used to target areas of public health which need most improvement.
▪ The auditorium was recently renovated for more than $ 2 million and still needs improvements.
▪ What are the areas that need improvement?
▪ As Kennedy said throughout the recall campaign, water rates had to be increased to finance needed improvements in the system.
▪ This has produced noticeable improvements in wildflowers, and insect and bird populations.
▪ Hooking up a powered antenna by Terk, which amplifies incoming signals and allows greater directional fine-tuning, produced no appreciable improvement.
▪ This case will produce something that all of us want to produce - a positive improvement in the law.
▪ In addition, sustained normalization of uric acid levels does not produce improvement in renal function.
▪ Avoiding these foods has produced a great improvement in his behaviour.
▪ In all those cases it produced impressive improvement in the peacetime performance statistics.
▪ Yet that audience with the King on Sunday night did produce an improvement in spirits if not a change of mind.
▪ That produced greater commitment, which in turn produced significant improvement in every organizational element.
▪ It is possible for an error to result in an improvement.
▪ This sometimes causes temporary aggravation of the movement disorder, but may eventually result in its improvement or complete subsidence.
▪ Creditor business continues to be affected by the poor economic climate but rating action has resulted in some improvement in Q2.
▪ Low inflation in industrialized countries restrained increases in import prices, resulting in a general improvement in the terms of trade.
▪ They resulted in 33 improvement notices being served.
▪ The two functions were therefore segregated and resulted in a substantial improvement.
▪ Doctors say Mr Crowther is showing some improvement but he's still seriously ill.
▪ There is a waiver program, where vehicles that show a 30 percent improvement can obtain the license sticker.
▪ This group would then be likely to show greater spontaneous improvement.
▪ The first and second-class delivery services have shown a marked improvement over the past two or three years.
▪ By 1988 this had dropped to about 15 percent of spruce, and other species such as pine and fir showed similar improvements.
▪ The Suzuki rider showed a further improvement in final practice at with a best of one minute 31.188 seconds.
▪ Noise Here, the new big Renault shows major improvements compared with the R25.
▪ I believe delegation and empowerment is starting to show improvements but we still have a long way to go.
there's room for improvement
▪ You did well on the last project, but there's room for improvement.
▪ Accidents have become less frequent, thanks to recent improvements in our safety checks.
▪ Design improvements in the computer system have greatly increased our efficiency.
▪ Have you noticed any improvement in his work?
▪ home improvements
▪ I'm afraid if you don't show some improvement soon we won't be entering you for the exam.
▪ There's been a great improvement in the team's performance over the last three games.
▪ We had to borrow money to pay for all the improvements to our home.
▪ You'll see that there's been a remarkable improvement in recent weeks.
▪ Continuing improvement in the United States.
▪ Councillors also expressed their support for proposed improvements to the tennis club facilities.
▪ Information systems are introducing similar quality improvement programs to link information systems with basic business needs.
▪ It reviews current practices and offers suggestions for their improvement through the development of affirmative assessment.
▪ These behavioral improvements occur only if the correct location is destroyed, not if the lesion is made nearby.
▪ This improvement in standards can only be put down to cellar training.
▪ Three months later, the District Court adopted a plan requiring $ 187, 450, 334 in further capital improvements.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Improvement \Im*prove"ment\, n.

  1. The act of improving; advancement or growth; promotion in desirable qualities; progress toward what is better; melioration; as, the improvement of the mind, of land, roads, etc.

    I look upon your city as the best place of improvement.

    Exercise is the chief source of improvement in all our faculties.

  2. The act of making profitable use or applicaton of anything, or the state of being profitably employed; a turning to good account; practical application, as of a doctrine, principle, or theory, stated in a discourse. ``A good improvement of his reason.''
    --S. Clarke.

    I shall make some improvement of this doctrine.

  3. The state of being improved; betterment; advance; also, that which is improved; as, the new edition is an improvement on the old.

    The parts of Sinon, Camilla, and some few others, are improvements on the Greek poet.

  4. Increase; growth; progress; advance.

    There is a design of publishing the history of architecture, with its several improvements and decays.

    Those vices which more particularly receive improvement by prosperity.

  5. pl. Valuable additions or betterments, as buildings, clearings, drains, fences, etc., on land or premises; as, to convey the land together with all improvements.

  6. (Patent Laws) A useful addition to, or modification of, a machine, manufacture, or composition.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

mid-15c., enprowment "management of something for profit," from Anglo-French emprowement, from emprouwer "turn to profit" (see improve). Meaning "betterment; amelioration" is from 1640s. Meaning "buildings, etc. on a piece of property" is from 1773. Related: Improvements.


n. The act of improve; advancement or growth; promote in desirable qualities; progress toward what is better; melioration; as, the improvement of the mind, of land, roads, etc.

  1. n. the act of improving something; "their improvements increased the value of the property"

  2. a change for the better; progress in development [syn: betterment, advance]

  3. a condition superior to an earlier condition; "the new school represents a great improvement" [syn: melioration] [ant: decline]

Improvement (disambiguation)

Improvement may refer to:

  • Business process improvement
  • Continual improvement
  • Focused improvement
  • Home improvement, the process or result of improving the efficiency, livability, or market value of a personal dwelling
  • Improvement commissioners, a form of government in 18th-century Britain
  • Improvement Era, magazine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published from 1897–1970
  • Improvement trust (disambiguation)
  • Land improvement
  • Natural vision improvement, a regimen developed by William Horatio Bates for improving human vision
  • Network improvement
  • Performance improvement
  • Preemphasis improvement
  • Quality improvement

Improvement is the process of a thing moving from one state to a state considered to be better, usually through some action intended to bring about that better state. The concept of improvement is important to governments and businesses, as well as to individuals.

Usage examples of "improvement".

But days of smooth sailing followed, and with the crew busy with repairs, Adams resumed lecturing the captain on order and improvements.

THE AUTUMN OF 1786 produced no improvement in relations with the British, whose icy civility Adams found all the more galling after the respect and affection he had been shown in Holland.

Though it was clearly a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech, its Federalist proponents in Congress insisted, like Adams, that it was a war measure, and an improvement on the existing common law in that proof of the truth of the libel could be used as a legitimate defense.

For Adams, who had so long championed a strong, independent judiciary as proper balance to the other two branches, it was a major improvement and he proceeded at once to fill the new positions.

The thing the adaptor molecule has for billions of years tried to articulate will, in the last click of the second hand, be channeled into massive habitat clearance, would-be property improvements, trillion-dollar toxicity, terminal annihilation.

The order had come from Admiral Leahy, but it had originated with Albright, who thought it entirely likely the Germans had come up with improvements to their devices that he wanted to know about.

A fair example of a transatlantic convoy crossing in June 1942 and of the comparatively slight improvement in antisubmarine warfare to that time, is furnished by the story of Convoy ONS-102, from Londonderry to Halifax.

By the vast reward that the newer system gave to individual enterprise, to technical improvement and to investment, capitalism proved the aptest tool for the creation and preservation of wealth ever devised.

They affirm, that with the improvement of arts, the human species were visibly multiplied.

This was a definite improvement on the Lemurian because the Atlantian functioned on the higher emotions, they tried to develop their higher emotions, but they also evolved into a more reasoning type of mind, they went in for science a lot and, sadly, they produced an atom bomb thousands and thousands of years ago.

Ken, after pitching to Dean for a while, batted to the infield and so had opportunity to see the improvement.

When an initial improvement with the biochemic remedies is not maintained, treatment should be discontinued for a few days and the frequency of dose reduced when recommencing treatment.

She pressed close to the window and pushed her face into one of the open panes, taking deep breaths to dispel the aromas of the cabin, though the smell of the harbor was no great improvement, rife as it was with the smell of dead fish, sewage, and baking mud.

The platform also embraced a distinct declaration for a radical reform of the civil service, making a broader and more precise enunciation than was contained in the Liberal platform of 1872, though the assigned reason for that revolt, as given by its champions, was the alleged hostility of the Republican party to improvement in the Government service.

He is not by nature closefisted or stingy but unfortunately he has little interest in spending money on anything except land improvement, sheep, and horses.