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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Improvable \Im*prov"a*ble\, a. [From Improve.]

  1. Capable of being improved; susceptible of improvement; admitting of being made better; capable of cultivation, or of being advanced in good qualities.

    Man is accommodated with moral principles, improvable by the exercise of his faculties.
    --Sir M. Hale.

    I have a fine spread of improvable lands.

  2. Capable of being used to advantage; profitable; serviceable; advantageous.

    The essays of weaker heads afford improvable hints to better.
    --Sir T. Browne. -- Im*pro"a*ble*ness, n. -- Im*prov"a*bly, adv.


a. 1 Capable of being improved; susceptible of improvement; admitting of being made better; capable of cultivation, or of being advanced in good qualities. 2 Capable of being used to advantage; profitable; serviceable; advantageous.


adj. susceptible of improvement

Usage examples of "improvable".

And there was always Godel for a theoretical cordon sanitaire, with his demonstration of the true but mechanically improvable proposition.

Put briefly, and somewhat crudely, we on the Exotics believe that Man is improvable.