Crossword clues for imprecise
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. Not precise or exact; containing some error or uncertainty.
adj. not precise; "imprecise astronomical observations"; "the terms he used were imprecise and emotional" [ant: precise]
Usage examples of "imprecise".
Neither the servitor nor the billions watching knew which room housed the Chuang Tzu because the feed was strangely imprecise about this.
It was unlike Frankenstein to be so imprecise in matters of measurement, and I was sure that he had told me several times that he had formed me with a height of eight feet exactly.
It followed the course of the Gross Tar like an imprecise echo, changing its name as it went, becoming Wynion Way, then Silverback Street.
The calculations will be imprecise, as we do not know the exact date when the artifacts were hidden.
But until I met the Buddhists, I did not think it possible for a religion or philosophy or world view of any complexity to exist without a theory of creation, no matter how imprecise.
It was maddening: so inexact, so imprecise, mere approximations of meaning, images and sensations rather than words, which must be deciphered, which must be interpreted.
The majority of astrologists today still use the old and imprecise systems.
But their high intelligence could not be shared except by the slow, impersonal, and imprecise spoken language, and a true meeting of minds was possible only during the brief period between the initial linkup and the coarsening and confusion of intellect which immediately followed it.
It was a display device like Jefri had never seen in his life: dirty, imprecise, imperfectly deletable, unstorable.
Those who study physics are not burdened with information about what incorrect, imprecise hypotheses, what false notions, were advanced by its creators.
But exactly because they are so large and so--so gross, if I may use an imprecise word, they are much less susceptible to electromagnetic pulse than unshielded integrated circuits would be.
The neoprimitives were notorious for their very imprecise concepts of friend and foe.
Commenting on the media recounts that produced the exact same result as all the official tabulations, the New York Times said the postelection vote counts "provide stark evidence of how imprecise our voting system is.