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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impotence \Im"po*tence\, Impotency \Im"po*ten*cy\, n. [L. impotenia inability, poverty, lack of moderation. See Impotent.]

  1. The quality or condition of being impotent; lack of strength or power, animal, intellectual, or moral; weakness; feebleness; inability; imbecility.

    Some were poor by impotency of nature; as young fatherless children, old decrepit persons, idiots, and cripples.

    O, impotence of mind in body strong!

  2. Lack of self-restraint or self-control. [R.]

  3. (Law & Med.) Lack of procreative power; inability to copulate, or beget children; also, sometimes, sterility; barrenness; specifically, in males: the inability to achieve or sustain a penile erection; erectile dysfunction.


n. (dated form of impotence English)

  1. n. the quality of lacking strength or power; being weak and feeble [syn: powerlessness, impotence] [ant: power, power]

  2. an inability (usually of a male) to copulate [syn: impotence]

Usage examples of "impotency".

The government thus showed the impotency of the chartist party, and its own respect for constitutional rights.

For remedies powerful enough to effect cures of spermatorrhea and impotency are capable, when improperly employed, of doing great harm.

In cases of partial and even complete impotency, especially in elderly men, attended with nervous exhaustion, most astonishingly favorable results are obtained by our specialists through the administration of our extracts obtained from the nerve tissue of the spinal cord, associated with the use of the expressed juices from animal testes.

Prostatorrhea, spermatorrhea, impotency, hypochondria, and general debility of the generative organs, arise from sexual excesses.

GENERAL NEURASTHENIA, or nervous exhaustion, may also produce a local weakness of the sexual centres of the brain and spinal cord, with symptoms at least resembling those of partial impotency and great irritability of the sexual organs, or a complete impotence, with premature seminal discharge whenever coition is attempted.

A loss of sexual power and increasing weakness of the generative organs generally follow this gradual destruction of the testicle, and sometimes total and incurable impotency results.

When varicocele of an aggravated or largely developed type is present, associated with any weakness of the generative organs, as spermatorrhea or impotency, it must be cured before the organs can regain a healthy condition, as by the constant pressure of the abnormal quantity of blood and enlarged veins upon the spermatic cord, arteries, and testicles, the irritability, weakness, and wasting, are increased.

Now it has been five years since I was operated upon and I feel well of that disease--varicocele attended with impotency or weakness of the generative organs, caused by varicocele.

They sell hardware, chicken feed, notions, and the regular stuff, but they also sell all sorts of strange-smelling herbs and crystals and little bottles of oil that are supposed to cure headaches and impotency.

If a goblin had any sex problems like premature ejaculation or impotency or, for a female, frigidness, then everyone knew it.