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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Importunate \Im*por"tu*nate\ ([i^]m*p[^o]r"t[-u]*n[asl]t), a.

  1. Troublesomely urgent; unreasonably solicitous; overpressing in request or demand; urgent; teasing; as, an importunate petitioner, curiosity.

  2. Hard to be borne; unendurable. [R.]
    --Donne. -- Im*por"tu*nate*ly, adv. -- Im*por"tu*nate*ness, n.


adv. In an importunate manner; with persistent or urgent solicitation.


adv. in a beseeching manner; "`You must help me,' she said imploringly" [syn: beseechingly, imploringly, pleadingly, entreatingly]

Usage examples of "importunately".

After this, providing you with the fourfold wings of the quadrivials that ye might be winged like the seraphs and so mount above the cherubim, we sent you to a friend at whose door, if only ye importunately knocked, ye might borrow the three loaves of the Knowledge of the Trinity, in which consists the final felicity of every sojourner below.

Do not Thou forsake me calling upon Thee, who didst anticipate me before I called, and didst importunately urge with manifold calls that I should hear Thee from afar, and be converted, and call upon Thee who calledst me.

Every one was kind to Guy Dawnish -- some rather importunately so, as Margaret Ransom had smiled to observe -- but it was recognized as fitting that she should be kindest, since he was in a sense her property, since his people in England, by profusely acknowledging her kindness, had given it the domestic sanction without which, to Wentworth, any social relation between the sexes remained unhallowed and to be viewed askance.