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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Impolicy \Im*pol"i*cy\, n. The quality of being impolitic; inexpedience; unsuitableness to the end proposed; bads policy; as, the impolicy of fraud.
--Bp. Horsley.


n. The state or act of being impolitic.

Usage examples of "impolicy".

The Duke, a thorough aristocrat, was as shocked as they were, that a noble assassin should die by the same death as a plebeian felon, and represented to the Regent the impolicy of making enemies of so numerous, wealthy, and powerful a family.

The Duke, a thorough aristocrat, was as shocked as they were that a noble assassin should die by the same death as a plebeian felon, and represented to the Regent the impolicy of making enemies of so numerous, wealthy, and powerful a family.

The newspapers assiduously kept up the excitement, and represented, day after day, to the managers the impolicy of the proposed advance.

Pitt, then Chancellor of the Exchequer, as well as on Lord Gower, afterwards Marquis of Stafford, the impolicy of such a tax.

To say nothing of the needless severity of this act, its impolicy was glaringly obvious.