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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
be implicated in a scandal (=be suspected of being involved)
▪ One of the ministers implicated in the scandal resigned.
▪ Bollywood's leading film financier, the popular Bharat Shah, was also implicated.
▪ Smoking is also implicated in cancers of the bladder, pancreas, larynx, mouth, oesophagus, pharynx and kidney.
▪ Above average temperatures were also implicated in these incidents.
▪ She had always been suspicious of Taczek, and here was yet more evidence implicating him with people she no longer trusted.
▪ Nevertheless, direct evidence implicating IRF-1 as the critical target gene in 5q deletions remains sparse.
▪ No evidence exists to implicate Lord Ashcroft in committing crimes.
▪ But if she wasn't implicated in the murder, what the hell was the ring doing there?
▪ Melancia, who had been appointed to the post in mid-1987, had been implicated in a financial scandal in February 1990.
▪ Members of all political parties, including the ex-Communists, are implicated in the scandal.
▪ According to the prosecution, DNA tests 'irrefutably' implicate Henson.
▪ New evidence implicates Mr Stapleton and his wife in the blackmail attempt.
▪ Seafood is increasingly implicated as the source of the hepatitis A virus.
▪ Sexually transmitted diseases have long been implicated in infertility.
▪ She is claiming that the police are deliberately trying to implicate her.
▪ Simon knew he couldn't possibly provide a blood sample without implicating himself.
▪ The managing director of the bank was implicated in a fraud scandal.
▪ Also, it was bound to implicate Government deeply.
▪ Certainly he refused to implicate himself in the development of a theory in which he had played so great a part.
▪ Five others who had been implicated, including the head of National Security, were not prosecuted, allegedly due to political considerations.
▪ Science vainly struggles to keep up, offering hypotheses implicating all manner of causes and suggesting all manner of effects.
▪ She had always been suspicious of Taczek, and here was yet more evidence implicating him with people she no longer trusted.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Implicate \Im"pli*cate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Implicated; p. pr. & vb. n. Implicating.] [L. implicatus, p. p. of implicare to involve; pref. im- in + plicare to fold. See Employ, Ply, and cf. Imply, Implicit.]

  1. To infold; to fold together; to interweave.

    The meeting boughs and implicated leaves.

  2. To bring into connection with; to involve; to connect; -- applied to persons, in an unfavorable sense; as, the evidence implicates many in this conspiracy; to be implicated in a crime, a discreditable transaction, a fault, etc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., "to convey in a fable;" c.1600, "intertwine, wreathe," from Latin implicatus, past participle of implicare "to involve, entwine" (see implication). Meaning "involve a person in a crime, charge, etc.," is from 1797. Related: Implicated; implicating.


vb. To connect or involve in an unfavorable or criminal way with something.

  1. v. bring into intimate and incriminating connection; "He is implicated in the scheme to defraud the government"

  2. impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result; "What does this move entail?" [syn: entail]

Usage examples of "implicate".

I gave her that and asked how about the possibility that the cylinder implicated Solomon Dexter or Alger Kates.

Lewenthal in her kitchen and should anyone else see him there it would implicate the Butterman family in his concealment.

Although recommendations may be modified over the coming months, currently, when no information is available about whether the implicated strain of anthrax bacteria is especially susceptible to any particular antibiotic, ciprofloxacin or doxycycline is recommended for adults and children, although the course for children varies slightly.

As nearly all of the prominent Fenian leaders had been placed under arrest for transgression of United States laws, and quite a number of their deluded followers who were captured in Canada were confined in Canadian prisons awaiting trial, the seriousness of their offences began to dawn upon the minds of those implicated in the movement.

To implicate the Frakes, who subsequently tried to murder their erstwhile comrade, Benny Carson?

He ordered them to do the killings, hoping Kalina would be implicated.

They vary according to the organs most implicated in the hepatic derangement.

And she kept telling Pursley that there was a dynamite angle here because they could implicate Cody fucking Harwood, if they played their cards right, and was he ever due for it, the bastard.

Implicated so far are ex-City Manager Cesar Odio, City Commissioner Miller Dawkins, County Commissioner James Burke and other players to be named later.

And probably, after Kishikawa had disgraced himself with confessions that implicated associates, they would deliver the final punishment: they would tell him that Nicholai had been dead all the time, and that he had shamed himself and involved innocent friends in vain.

Since they seemed to have no information that implicated any of the defendants, Lax did not interview them.

I hesitate, my love, in doing anything to please you, provided my honour is not implicated?

The court ruled that if a confessing defendant is tried jointly with defendants he has implicated and does not testify, the nonconfessing defendants are denied their constitutional rights to confront and cross-examine their accuser.

I read attentively, and I saw that her wish for secrecy was reasonable, and that if I put the questions in my pocket I should run the risk of losing them and implicating myself.

It was outside the universe of atoms, beneath the wayward play of nuclear interaction forces, having been reabsorbed into the implicate order itself.