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n. (plural of implant English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: implant)

Usage examples of "implants".

They spent the rest of the evening talking about their families, telling jokes, listening to recorded Neanderthal music pumped simultaneously into their cochlear implants, and just generally having a wonderful time.

The Miznarii considered even implants immoral modifications of the basic human, so those of their children seeking higher education were always at a disadvantage.

Of course: their implants would have picked up her ID before she arrived.

The thought of kneeling beside them with the recorder, documenting prints and ID implants and so on sickened her, but it had to be done.

Ky had to use a hardcopy of the inventory, but the EDB personnel had implants to compare the visible serial numbers.

They conferred with their machines, their implants, or one another, in quiet, confident tones.

I am therefore unable to utilize most of my implants, but I am still more than capable of seeing off a few blood junkies.

Ghost Warriors were human corpses used as weapons, guided by computer implants, controlled by the rogue AIs of Shub.

Ponter tipped his head slightly, perhaps listening to Hak remind him through his cochlear implants of who the Jews were.

Normally, of course, nothing can go missing in this world: the Companion implants see and record all.

These Maze wannabes had taken to Blood, tech implants, and supplantive surgery with an enthusiasm that bordered on the macabre.

They had enough tech implants, add-ons, and cutting-edge options to technically qualify as cyborgs, and their personal habits occasionally bordered on disgusting.

Their bodies were largely machine, their minds boosted by computer implants, their only aim and purpose the perfectability of all Humanity through technology.

She presumed they were holding a brief but intense conversation through their comm implants before daring to disturb their master, the Shreck.

Computer implants moved servomechanisms in dead limbs, and men and women who had fallen nobly in battle were raised again against their wishes to fight in the name of Shub.