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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Implant \Im*plant"\v. t. [imp. & p. p. Implanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Implanting.] [Pref. im- in + plant: cf. F. implanter.] To plant, or infix, for the purpose of growth; to fix deeply; to instill; to inculate; to introduce; as, to implant the seeds of virtue, or the principles of knowledge, in the minds of youth.

Minds well implanted with solid . . . breeding.


vb. (en-past of: implant)


adj. (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held; "deep-rooted prejudice"; "deep-seated differences of opinion"; "implanted convictions"; "ingrained habits of a lifetime"; "a deeply planted need" [syn: deep-rooted, deep-seated, ingrained, planted]

Usage examples of "implanted".

To that end, the soft-cyber device implanted in bats has an active electronic clock, which, according to the deposition of expert testimony I have entered as item three of evidence for the defense, is accurate to within the same limits as a cesium clock.

We will of course not be betrayed by the implanted human or the uplifted creatures.

Nonetheless, I agree it is wise to have the implanted human taken into custody as their social structure makes her death undesirable.

The implant in his head said that the death of one of the Overphyle was an awful thing—but the Nerba-carrier's hatred of the Overphyle, and all their works, was almost as intrinsic to him as the programming not to attack a Korozhet was in his implanted soft-cyber chip.

She realized suddenly that it wasn't Doctor Thom giving orders in the language that the implanted chip in her head said must be obeyed, but his lapel badge.

Creatures of a low-order intelligence before they were implanted didn't appear to be able to think around it at all.

It was implanted just above the breastbone, and powered in the "reception state" by the wearer's own bioelectric field.

Some of the human slaves had been mind-wiped before being implanted, but some had not.

That's because Shaw had her implanted with one of these animal-control devices we use on military animals.

That she was brain damaged as a kid due to a horse-riding accident and her parents used their influence to have her implanted to fix it.

Now, tell me just how you implanted creatures have managed to circumvent some of the basic programming in your software?

Whatever had happened to him since the Specials had snatched him, had also included him getting a soft-cyber chip implanted in his head.

We believe, but not know, that the inner portal is a fire chamber that is triggered if anything other than Korozhet or an implanted slave goes into it.

And, from what my people could establish, only implanted victims or Korozhet themselves.

In the meantime it was one of the places that no implanted person or animal could be allowed to know existed.